The Force Awakens - but for which game?

By Lubricus, in The Force Awakens Beginner Game

They did that with the old WEG Star Wars Darkstryder Campaign.

I believe they converted a Corellian Corvette and turned it into a fighter carrier... it needs to be bigger than that in the FFG version doesn't it?

You can't get that many fighters on a Corellian Corvette, whereas any generic Mon Calamari cruiser can hold thirty-six fighters, and Home One can hold one hundred and twenty, so it might work better.

I'm not sure there's enough in the TFA to pull out to make an interesting sourcebook that isn't covered elsewhere. As another poster mentioned, perhaps when 8 and 9 are done, we will have a lot more "gamey" content.

On a related note I would be hugely interest in a Prequel Trilogy book or books - I very much enjoyed the Clone Wars TV series and some aspects of the PT would make for a good gaming setting.

Wizards of the Coast made a brilliant set of sourcebooks for pretty much every period you can think of (and a few you couldn't), but as the House of Mouse has airbrushed everything outside of the most religious canon like a Stalinist state spring-cleaning its civil service, I doubt we'll see in-depth sourcebooks for most of the interesting periods. That said, the relative abstraction of the rules and the fact that as far as I can tell Star Wars hasn't had a major technological breakthrough in five thousand years means that anyone with access to Wookieepedia can fairly easily alter their setting to whatever period they desire.