BattleLore 2nd Dice (smooth)

By alarane2, in BattleLore

The Smooth Dice are the same dice, just polished longer. Dice tend to be polished by rolling them around in a drum full of fine sand. This poished and rounds the edges of the dice, but also unbalences them, as each corner has a different ammont of plastic removed. Chances are really good, that if you know some "lucky" or "unlucky" dice, they are just slightly wieghted because of the polishing process. I'm happier with the hard cornered dice for this reason.


If you use a drum full of sand to polish them, it will also alter their drawing.

I was just guessing if the directly exists for sale, but i have only seen the hard cornered one.


I, too have only seen the sharper-edged ones. I don't think the rounded corner ones were produced for this game. I think Decent and Imperial Assault use rounded corners on their dice, but for whatever reason that's not what they chose to go with for BattleLore.


I confirm that for Descent, it is smooth corners dice.
