The Deep Realms

By talicat, in Talisman

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)


I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)

Yep that's what I did.


That looks nice

That looks nice

We agreed not to talk to each other? or are you saying you "like me a little now"?.

I have yet to mount mine, but here it is on sticker paper.


I have yet to mount mine, but here it is on sticker paper.


That looks FANTASTIC.. Wheres the Woodlands to Highlands?

On the opposite side of the board... ;)

On the opposite side of the board... ;)

Edited by Uvatha

On the opposite side of the board... ;)

Did you use sticker paper for the other one as well? I am interested to see pictures ;-)

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)

Yep that's what I did.


Did you blow up the size of the card to fit the board size? Looks great, must do that too.

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)

Yep that's what I did.

Did you blow up the size of the card to fit the board size? Looks great, must do that too.

Sure did, then sharpened it a little to make the text less blurry.

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)

Yep that's what I did.

Did you blow up the size of the card to fit the board size? Looks great, must do that too.

Sure did, then sharpened it a little to make the text less blurry.

How did you go about it, did you just scan the cards then increase the size? Dont suppose you have the dimensions do you? I could ask my mate who is a printer to make these up for me if I knew the correct sizing. Wonder why they didn't just make them that big in the first place?

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

That you must have the City and Dungeon expansions for it to work :-) It connects the two regions. It is a POD so the cards and the "realm boards" are different from other expansions. However if you put the cards on a thick piece of board it will match up with the boards and not slide around as much. A good little expansion......

We just need the other side of the board connected ;-)

Yep that's what I did.

Did you blow up the size of the card to fit the board size? Looks great, must do that too.

Sure did, then sharpened it a little to make the text less blurry.

How did you go about it, did you just scan the cards then increase the size? Dont suppose you have the dimensions do you? I could ask my mate who is a printer to make these up for me if I knew the correct sizing. Wonder why they didn't just make them that big in the first place?

Forgot the dimensions did it a while ago I just got the boards out and measured it then scanned or got a digital copy (cant remember what) and increased it size than used photo editing software (again cant remember) to sharpen the image then printed. I then has another board game that my kids lost the bits for (or me again can't remember) and cut its board to fit then coated the cut sides in its black back. Done..

I have yet to mount mine, but here it is on sticker paper.


Is there a possibility to get a hi res image of this board?

It's awesome but i cant find it on the net. Is Jon published it anywhere?

Without text would by even more awesome because I need a polish version, but this is not a problem. I can always make some scans from original polish edition and join it together:)

I'm not sure why, but I'm finding this Expansion a little confusing for some reason. What are the main things to remember with this expansion?

What parts are confusing for you?

The things for me to remember when playing it are: 1. Bridge cards don't stay put 2. Rewards for the Wraith Lord and Rat Queen come out of the Dungeon and City sets.

It was in may and I dont think that he is confused anymore ;) but my question about the board is still current ;)

Don't know if any hi-res images could be made because it might encourage people to make illegal copies of the expansion.

Without cards? but you are right.. then maybe only a border?

Indeed, I could not post the whole thing, but I will sort out a version with just the border for you to try.

You are the best! :)

No problem. You've had enough work with Lost Realms ;) It's g ood enought for me :) I just need to improve the contrast of my scans, but It looks beautifully anyway . Many thanks Jon :)

Edited by arthan11