Add Products How????

By Greyeye, in Descent Quest Vault Open Beta

When starting a new quest i can not add any expantions.

How can i fix this ???

Once you are editing the quest there is a button that says "Quest" in the top of the map. You click there and then a menu pops, then click on "Settings" and a window should appear where it shows the name of the quest, descriptions and the expansions featured in the quest. There you can add and delete expansions.

After doin that, you return to the "Map" and at the right should be a button at the bottom where it shows the name of the expansions, click the ones you have already add and thats it. It should be have the expansion you want.

Thanx for your answer Volkren.

But my problem is that i cant see a green + or red - button.

Thanx for your answer Volkren.

But my problem is that i cant see a green + or red - button.

Sure but i have no cleu how i can upload it ;(

Sure but i have no cleu how i can upload it ;(

Solved !!!

My problem was that the add buttons were hided behind the scrollbar.

Changing my zoom lvl (ctrl + mousewheel) solved my problem.

Zaltyre found the solution for my problem .


Thank you for figuring that out. I had the same issue.