An Arkham Christmas Carol

By JerusalemJones, in Fan Creations

As winter falls and Christmas approaches, some sort of malevolent force has turned its eyes upon the quiet (?) city of Arkham, Massachusetts. Can a brave band of investigators save the city -- and the world -- from the ghosts of Christmas?

This scenario uses the Arkham Horror boardgame. It may include either or both of the Dunwich and Kingsport expansions, but not the "small box" expansions. In addition, the Blight Cards and Markers and the "Next Act Begins" mythos cards from The King In Yellow expansion are used.

If players use either of the Dunwich or Kingsport expansions, the following addition rules are in effect:

1) If using only one of the two expansions, remove roughly 1/3 of the Mythos and Other Worlds cards from the Arkham Decks and 1/2 the cards from the expansion decks.

2) If using both expansions, remove roughly 1/2 of the Mythos and Other Worlds cards from the Arkham Decks and 2/3 the cards from the expansion decks.

Special Rules:

The Jacob Marley Herald
Jacob Marley was not a nice man. Contrary to what many people were lead to believe, he was responsible for many cultish activities in Arkham before his death in 1783. Now, 140 years after his death, he is trying to influence the world one last time, to get his revenge on those who worked to destroy him -- even though they are all dead.

All Ghost creatures have the Endless ability, and are treated as Stalkers for movement.

If a Ghost in ever placed in the Outskirts, instead draw a different monster and place it in the outskirts. Then, draw a Blight card.

The Christmas Ghosts:

Every time a "Next Act" Mythos card is drawn, one of the Christmas Ghosts appears and its effect takes place. They are:

Act I: The Ghost of Christmas Past
All monster trophies a character has collected and not spent are placed on the game board at that character's starting location. A character may instead return a monster to its cup by taking 1 Stamina damage.

Act II: The Ghost of Christmas Present.
All Elder Signs on the Game Board are removed from the board. The players may choose to keep one of more Elder Signs on the board instead adding a Doom Token to the Doom track. For each Doom Token, increase the Terror Level by 1.

Act III: The Ghost of Christmas Future
Place a Doom Token onto the Doom Track for each elder sign on the board. Any player may choose to stop a token being added by reducing their current Sanity and Stamina to 1 each and moving to the Silver Twilight Lodge.

Act IV: The End
When the fourth Act card is drawn, the Final Battle begins. Fill all Doom spots on the Doom track and immediately fight the Ancient one.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange æons even death may die . -- Call of Cthulhu

With no new scenario out we gave this a shot last night. We played with just the core set plus the 6 "next act" cards and 8 players. The players had a broad range of experience ranging from plays every week to literally the first time seeing the game. Due to some interesting luck in the mythos draws the game came down to a loss in the final battle. The randomly chosen AO was Nyarly and at the end of the final battle he still had 2 doom tokens on him.

The first mythos card drawn to start the game was "next act" so we didn't have any monster trophys to put on the board. Then at the end of the game we drew 3 "the next act begins" cards in a row. We had 3 sealed gates and 5 doom tokens at that point so we took the bad effects rather than losing our elder signs. Overall it was a fun scenario and an interesting theme.

I separated the mythos deck into 6 roughly equal piles to add the "next act" cards before shuffling. Somehow those 3 got put back together while shuffling. They weren't added as a clump and not separated by the shuffling.