Campaign play

By savagedaniel, in Doom


we started playing the levels as a campaign. We were wondering, how much Armor the marines could pick up.

The rules say, that a marine can only get one additional piece of armor during the campaign when leveling up.

Is it possible though to pick up additional armor and keep it (if the marine does not die)?

How did you play this?

Thanks for any advise.

The limit is only for increasing base (as in the number you end up with if you die with extra armour), other than that there shouldn't be a limit, though too high armour can end up with an unkillable marine, the invader can always kill the other low armoured marines if you have other marines.

Its been a while since I played but I think when marines die they return to starting armor stats losing any tokens they picked up so far.

HS113 said:

Its been a while since I played but I think when marines die they return to starting armor stats losing any tokens they picked up so far.

Which is 2, 3 if they chose the extra armour when leveling up in the campaign. But I don't think there's a limit on the amount that can be taken from the actual levels, only the 'starting armor' is limited to 3 max

Can anyone point me to the ruling that a marine can only increase their armour level by one? We've been plying this as once per level up, so now the marine is one man killing machine laughing in the face of all but the 3 invaders that use 2 blue and one red die!

Doom Espansion set rules booklet page 4.

Campaign armor change

Marines may only icrease their base armor once per campaign when leveling up.

I gues this is it :)

Thanks Jervon

I guess they realised this was an omission on the base game and added it to the expansion as I looked at the base game instructions last night and couldn't find any reference to restricting armour.