Just wanted to post some basic info GMs who may not have run this might find of interest. I'll write in generalities.
We had a High Elf Scout, a Grey Wizard Apprentice, and Dwarf Mercenary.
The players were not challenged by the first set of baddies, in fact they took no wounds and the reserve baddies never made it into the fight.
Between the INT 5, Observation trained elf and wizard, along with a helpful action card, they had the cause of problems figured out before they entered the main building.
Again, high INT and some trained skills (along with a couple Grey spells) and the players were getting Positive Identification on several baddies, and eliminating suspects in no time. They roleplayed and investigated really well, but I can not stress enough how powerful it was having two characters with INT 5.
Once around the grounds and they easily found all the stuff, and got PID on several more baddies.
They were thorough, so enough time had passed so they needed to eat. They knew what to do there, and a confrontation occured that moved things along quickly.
WARNING to this point I think I've been vague enough to keep ruining the encounter for anyone player foolish enough to read an entry marked SPOILER in the GM forum. I will have to get into a little more detail from this point on.
The baddies got into the room to allow vertical movement and bolted the door. The characters armed up, which wasted some time, but might have been neccessary; tough call.
The internal baddies were successful in what they were trying to do, but the characters met the threat and beat it without too many wounds.
The external threat was getting out of control at this point, and that ended up putting the dwarf unconscious (one more critical and he'd have died), and the Wizard took as many wounds as he could while staying conscious (fortunately no criticals). What was bad was the wizard took all his damage from a single blow but the the elf took out the last threat so it turned out okay.