Museum entrance one at a time?

By Rowdy Whaleback, in Elder Sign: Omens


I'm loving this on my iPad 2. However, my only issue is purchasing items with trophies in the Entrance.

On purchasing one item it ends that investigators turn.

If I press two, sometimes three simultaneously I purchase them with that one go but this can't be right surely?

Isn't the idea that if I had 10 trophies I could buy 4 health and then go to the items tab and select 6 trophies worth of goodies?

No, you should be limited to a single item purchase or healing element per turn. If you have lots of trophies you wouldn't be able to spend them at once, on multiple items and healing at the same time. The boardgame (other than the store in the Unseen Forces expansion, where you can purchase mulitiple items at once) works much the same way.