Okay it probably is inevitable that this game while it is a good game will no doubt see an expansion from FFG. Not that it is a bad thing I would actually love to see more of rebellion.
So there is plenty of design space available in so to start lets go with units.
So the units from what I can tell are separated by well build sources so far there is 3 space and 3 ground we have :
- Infantry
- Light Vehicle
- Heavy Mechanical/Fortifications
- Starfighter/Transport
- Escort/Carrier
- Capital Starship
The Challenge I see here is to keep each unit viable so as not to make one unit the obvious choice when building (such as a Tie Interceptor better than TIE Fighter) Well it could work if you limit the number of models say liek only 8 TIE interceptors and then the Imperials will have to go with TIE FIghters.
I am not going to search through the old EU or the upcoming Disney movie for more units (FFG can do that instead). So I am sticking with what was seen in episodes 4-6.
- Death Star Troopers (qty 8) 1 black 1 red health 1 (Only moves with Death Star) : So the black helmet guys you usually see on the death star seem like the best place to go. So they seem better than storm troopers but you could add a rule that they can only deploy to a planet with a death star and can not move unless the death star move also. They could be left on a planet as a dedicated garrison or even have an "event" card that deploys them on Corroscant. So sort of like a Death Star security force while storm troopers and the cannon fodder assault force.
- E-web Blaster (qty 8) 0 black 1 red health 1(transported) : The snowtrooper gun that was being set up to destroy the falcon before a blaster turret hit them. Since Rebels don't have much in the line of vehicles this really is only good going up agaisnt the rebel base which would have plenty of fortifications that need to be destroyed.
Light Vehicles
- Scout Trooper (qty 12) 2 black 0 red health 1(transported) : Cant forget about these guys on Endor. An option to go up against mass rebel troopers while not being easy prey for rebel speeders.
Heavy Mechanical/Fortifications
- Death Star Shield Projector (qty 2) 0 black 0 red health 3 (Immobile) : Rather simple, As long as this unit is active the rebels cannot make an attack on the death star. Great counter to the whole "Kill the Death Star" strategy that rebels use. I could add both the rebel shield generator and ion cannon to it. Maybe instead of two fewer red dice it is two fewer black dice.
- Tie Interceptor (qty 12) 2 black 0 red health 1(transported) : Now the only question is why would you ever take the small TIE Fighter when you could take these puppies. So far I got a couple of solutions. 1 Either limit the number of models to say 8 so that there will always be more TIE Fighters. Another idea was make TIE interceptors come out 2 per production but then TIE Interceptors would become the weaker unit as single 1 is more fragile than 2 TIE Fighters. However more compact transport capability could help out so I guess those two options could work.
- TIE Bomber (qty 8) 0 black 1 red health 2 (transported) : Okay a starfighter to go after Rebel Capital Ships. This sounds like something rather straight forward. Give it an additional health and it is much like the counterpart to the Rebel Y-wings.
- Imperial Raider (qty 8) 2 black 1 red health 2 (transport cap 0) . Okay I remember saying something about not searching the EU but since FFG put out the Gozanit Crusier as a transport Escort hybird I thought why not go with the other ship from X-wing. Basically this sacrifices transport capacity for more anti starfighter firepower. Atleast I didn't add in the gladiator
Captial Starship
For now nothing as the Imperials have the Imperial Star Destroyer and a Super Star Destroyer so what more do they want? Victory Class Star Destroyer? No thanks.
Okay well now on to the Rebels. This I think may be a bit harder but feel free to add in your own idea.
- Rebel Commando (qty 4) 2 black 1 red health 1 (transported) : These rebels that you see on Endor the elite Rebel strike force that act like super troopers. However there is one catch. The rebels will only have 4 of those models. That is it 4, and they don't last longer than rebel troopers. Use them wisely.
Light Vehicles
As I said I wasn't looking into the EU. The best I could come up with is maybe the Twin Pod Cloud car but in Episode 5 they were seen shooting at the Falcon for not having a landing permit. Maybe they don't need another vehicle. Maybe as a tactic card you could add in Close Air Support where a Starfighter can join the battle but treat it's health as red.
Heavy Mech/Fortifications
- Rebel Blaster turret (qty 3) 2 black 1 red health 2 (Immobile) : Remember all those gun encampments at the Rebel Base on Hoth. Why not add them to the game. Not making two different units for the satellite dish and the turret as the stats on this model tend to fit both.
- A-wing (qty 6) 2 black 0 red health 1 : Okay much like the TIE interceptor a better X-wing. Again limit this to only 4 models since they were not seen until episode 6. Maybe it might be a good idea to give them a research requirement for the rebels. You have to stick with X-wings until you develop these units.
- B-wing (qty 4) 0 black 2 red health 1 : So a Starfighter dedicated to taking out the numerous Imperial capital ships. Will die to TIE Fighters hands down. but still good unit for rebel fleet composition. Might make it 2 health and a rebel research upgrade just like the A-wing. Or have some research that adds 1 red to the X-wing or make the Y-wing +1 health to keep those ships useful in the late game.
- Nebulon-B (qty 3) 0 black 2 red health 3 (Transport cap 1) : I was wondering where to stick this either in the escort transport section or in the Capital starship section. However I think it works best as an escort transport. This one is hard to place as the one focused on in the movies was a "medical frigate" even though there are armed versions of it. So give it some good anti capital fire power but leave it vulnerable to starfighters, also lacking the punch and health of an imperial star destroyer.
Capital Starship
Again I didn't know where to put the Nebulon B frigate I almost put it here, but then again why would you want a Nebulon -B when you could get a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. Unless you ran out of them in which rebels win again.
So those are my ideas for new units in the expansion. There are some things are still left out. There is also Lord Vader's TIE which I think would be better as a ring much like the Millennium Falcon. Speaking of that why doesn't Boba Fet have his Slave 1 ship?
So what do you think? Does it favor Rebels or Imperials too much? What would you have put in or left out? I also added in my estimates on the proper quantity of units. Do you think there are too much of 1 unit or not enough of one?
Edited by Marinealver