Anti Deck.

By RangerD, in Gummi Garage

Hello, forum-goers. I'm new here as well as new to the game, so I figured I would try to get some advice on my planned deck. It's basically a World Racer whose basic goal is to screw over the opponent's strategy so I can just play my worlds for the win. :D So, here goes nothing.


Lv. 1 Sora.

Not much to say about that.


Lv. 2 Deep Jungle x 2

Lv. 2 Agrabah x 2

Lv. 2 Wonderland x 2

Lv. 2 Atlantica. x 2

My real goal was to choose cards that gave benefits to the Magic that I'll use. It just seems more effective to have 1 card that can do eight damage or so than use 2 attack cards that can do around that same amount. Atlantica would be there just to ruin my opponent during a challenge or two.


Lv. 1 Ariel x 3

Lv. 2 Ariel x 3

Lv. 3 Ariel x 2

Lv. 1 Herules x 2

Lv. 2 Hercules x 2

Lv. 3 Hercules x 2

Lv. 1 Peter Pan x 2

Lv. 2 Peter Pan x 1

Lv. 2 Aerith x 3

Ariel can put a stop to loss of hp, which would hopefully stall most Aggro decks. Plus with eight of them, you can frequently replace her every time she gets discarded. Herc would mainly be there to speed the deck through the first couple of worlds where only low level heartless can be played. He's also the main Supporter. Peter Pan guards against Stealth Sneak, and Aerith casts all the good spells. :)


Guard Armor (body) x 2

Guard Armor (arm) x 3

Guard armor (leg) x 2

Behemoth x 2

Parasite Cage x 2

Stealth Sneak x 3

Guard Armor seemed like a good way to mess up those WR decks who play Limit 1 world cards. Behemoth seems like a pseudo-Simba, where basically you have to get rid of your friend cards after its use. Parasite Cage would definitely help stick it to any type of deck, and so would Stealth Sneak.

Magic and Magic/Friends

Thundara x 2

Fira x 2

Blizzara x 2

Gravira x 2

Lv. 3 Simba x 2

Lv. 4 Dumbo x 2

The Magic works well for the worlds that' I'm using. Gravira gives me another escape from the opponent's tough friends, as does Simba who also brings some attack to the team. Dumbo adds attack as well.


I really don't know what attack cards to use. I figured I should have some, in case of Wizards or other Magic-denying card, but I really don't know what to choose. but for the time being, I'm thinking

Oblivion x 1

Divine Rose x 2.

Then, after looking back over what I chose, I realized I don't have a lot of attacking power, and I thought about how someone using Jack would be able to magnify that weakness by playing even stronger cards faster. So I figured I would add a Jack defense.


Oogie Boogie x 2.

Total: 60 on the nose.

I know this deck would cost a pretty penny to assemble, lol. But besides that, what do you think?

i have one thing to say to this. Phil. He will wreck this deck badly and any aggro/ control deck will run one for one reason or another. Another thing is your ONE caster. Parasite Cage gets throw down and there goes your magic game (for the most part). you either have to hope that the aggro deck doesnt pick off Oblivion or escape.

I would image it moves slow, so then fast paced decks will tear through will minimal problems. Neverland lvl 2 is a saving grace, (quoted from the awesome Roxas_L) " No Dark Limit does not mean No Level Limit.

Hope this helps or at the very least leaves food for thought.


That's a good point... I didn't think about Phil or Parasite Cage. D: I'll definitely vary the casters , and Atlantica will take a backseat to Neverland. And speeding up the deck will probably consist of taking out some dark cards.

Well since most times your opponent will play a jack and/or phil try Barrel Spider to drop on the Isle on Monstro. Kills Stopra or getting that all important lvl 0 friend.

Guard Armor is usually just wasteful since you have to have all the pieces at the same time to get it to go off. Plus it's really high level.

This deck some things that are pretty key things missing from it which I will do over in a checklist type deal.

1.) Speed. You lack good search cards (Destiny Islands, the King, Neverland lvl 2, Wendy to name a few). If you want to win as a WR, you need to constantly ready for invasions of powerful heartless. If you are going all out The King and Destiny Islands are definitely great set-up cards along with other SS (specific search) cards. Things like Moogle and Triton as things you could consider to get higher level friends out faster. You're deck is contstantly in top-deck mode.

2.) Synergy/Power. Herc is really only good (for WR) if you have jack to help abuse it's ability and Pan is only good if you high power friends (cloud beast herc triton and phil) you have a start on these pieces but leave them hanging. You need more powerful cards to get rid of big heartless, and you don't really have any that aren't easily gimped by phil. Ultima Weapon is great and Oathkeepers are also nice. Cloud is a house with a mortage caster, friend consistancy when you kill behemoths?! Yum! Also your magic cards won't always work due to either gimps by phil, or you'll get the wrong type and only do 5 damage and not be able to kill gargoyle. Look for synergy in cards and look for more powerful cards.

3.) Variety/Answers. Parasite Cage and Phil put a serious damper on this deck, and they are highly played cards in this game. Variety brings answers, power, board presence and much more. 2-3's of in this game are sort of rare and not always necessary with so much search power and the draw mechanic. Jack, Beast, Cloud, Phil, Triton are all powerful cards that help to provide answers to certain situations.

4.) Good worlds. You need better worlds, Things like Destiny Islands, Disney Castle help to prevent heartless combo's and set up easy wins late game and things like search worlds help set up early game. Cards like Traverse Town lvl 3 and End of the World are excellent choices for when you need to be faster than your opponent at world racing.

5.) lvl 1 Magic/Friends. You have a 1 magic value, use it. Bambi lvl 1 is awesome negative deck space and bridge card. Dumbo lvl 1 is a quick answer to Sneak and can potentially wreck heartless combos. Simba lvl 1 is great for getting rid of fodder and replacing it with something powerful and Tink lvl 1 is amazing heal power. Abuse these cards if you plan on using Sora.

Alright...that means I've got to revise like crazy. Take two.


Lv. 1 Sora

Lv. 1 Disney Castle x 2

Lv. 1 Destiny Islands x 2

Lv. 2 Wonderland x 3

Lv. 3 Halloween Town x 2

The King

The Mayor




Lv. 1 Ariel x 2

Lv. 2 Ariel x 2

Lv. 3 Ariel

Lv. 1 Hercules

Lv. 2 Hercules

Lv. 1 Jack Skellington

Lv. 2 Jack Skellington

Lv. 2 Fairy Godmother

Lv. 2 Aerith

Lv. 3 Merlin

Lv. 1 Tigger

Fire x 3

Fira x 2

Lv. 1 Simba x 2

Lv. 1 Bambi x 3

Lv. 1 Dumbo


Ultima Weapon

Oathkeeper x 2

Parasite Cage

Stealth Sneak

Gargoyle x 2

(maybe a Trickmaster?)

So hopefully this looks like I took the criticism into account... Sitcking to one kind of magic gives a little more consistency. Red Nocturne would blow me, but at least now I've got some other stuff that can deal with that.

I went with the Herc/Jack combo, and kept a lot of the Ariels and added some search for her, even. I guess I look paranoid to have so many; maybe I'll take some out once I get more comfortable with this game.

Parasite Cage hurts a ilttle less with the variation of the casters. Phil gets messed up by Gargoyle, and Parasite Cage takes care of him too. And Dumbo gets Stealth Sneak.

Trickmaster would work with the Fire cards, but that would require me to have like two or three fire cards in my hand anyway to be awesome, and then the opponent just escapes. :/ So I'm not sure.

Parasite Cage will still kill this deck. It has no diversity in it's friends.

You also have cards that serve absolutely no purpose towards winning.