Close Combat Two-Weapon Attack

By musungu, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hey guys, it's probably a very dumb question, but favour me here. Weirdly last weekend was the first time my Assault Marine decided to divide the four CC attacks amongst multiple mêlée opponents, and I realised I always assumed one can only declare a Multiple Attacks action against a single opponent. In this case I allowed to divide the attacks as I found nothing in the Core or Errata banning that, but did I make the correct call?

We recently started allowing this as well. I just had a look at description of Multiple Attacks and can't find anything against it.

"This action allows the active character to make more than
one attack
on his Turn, provided he has the Swift Attack
or Lightning Attack talent, or is wielding a weapon in his
secondary hand."

I guess you could take this as justification?! It's not a single attack with multiple hits, but multiple attacks.

Also, apply rule of common sense. Four targets in front of you? No Problem. One target in front of you and one behind you? I might(depending on the circumstances) not allow to divide the attacks.

Edited by Avdnm

If Swift/Lightning Attacks can be directed only against single opponent they would be useless against Hordes. And their descriptions clearly say: "two/three melee attacks "

I think it was DH1 where you could only use them against one foe and that it was the Moritat Assassin that got a special one that allowed to attack every foe he was considered to be in CC with?

That aside I would still make the player choose to split his attacks before he rolls.

Checked DH1 - don't found anything about "only one target". Moritat "Reaping" attacks all targets, yes, until successfully parried .

I guess that explains why I never saw someone actually purchasing that Talent.

It might be an Only One Target in BC/OW/DH2, when they changed Swift/Lightning from multiple attack rolls to a single roll and extra hits based on DoS like Semi/Auto-fire.

Multiple/Two weapon attacking with pistols/ranged weapons is a single target deal without talents, IIRC.

If a Moritat is in a position to use their attack everybody in melee range ability, they either win fast or die even faster. Unless they went Vindicare in Ascension and have all the Dodges.

Multiple/Two weapon attacking with pistols/ranged weapons is a single target deal without talents, IIRC.

Without talents targets must be fewer than 10 meters apart, if we talk about dual shooting. This is cancelled by Independent Targeting.

That aside I would still make the player choose to split his attacks before he rolls.

You don't have to choose for full auto bursts, I don't see why choosing targets in cc should be harder. On the other hand the core rulebook isn't too clear when exactly you have to specify who gets the extra hits from full auto burst. So "choose before you see the result of the previous hits" is a plausible argument. I might consider this in the next GM discussion in our group.

You don't have to choose for full auto bursts, I don't see why choosing targets in cc should be harder. On the other hand the core rulebook isn't too clear when exactly you have to specify who gets the extra hits from full auto burst. So "choose before you see the result of the previous hits" is a plausible argument. I might consider this in the next GM discussion in our group.

Even for full auto Bursts I let my players declare beforehand how they intend to spread their shots and may prioritize one target.

I admit that is no RAW but it adds some tactical layer without having more things to do. If you announce to fire with a wide spread it may be strange that just because you rolled badly all that hits now are on one dude so you will get an assured kill.

It kinda helps so you cant perfectly ping and distribute the hits perfectly according to soak and HP. That can also turn normal goons without a horde into a threat for if you announced to spread and just got two hits they may still live. On the other hand you could have focused and get that two hits on ode dude - or maybe 4 where 2 would have been wasted.

On the other side I would also play my NPCs that way ofc tho most GMs do that naturally I guess for you can focus fire a PC rather easy too by "accident".

Edited by FieserMoep