TI3 "Dune"

By David Spangler, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I didn't know where else to post this question, so I apologize in advance for putting it up here. But since FFG purchased the mechanics to the classic boardgame Dune , it said it would use those mechanics in a tactical wargame of some nature set in the TI3 universe. Since then, information has been pretty scarce about this new game. I'm wondering if there's any new information or plans about this new addition to the TI3 family of games.

I have heard nothing new on this since the first announcement. I am looking forward to a TI3 Dune based game but have heard nothing new.

Tawnos76 said:

I have heard nothing new on this since the first announcement. I am looking forward to a TI3 Dune based game but have heard nothing new.

Apparently it won't be based on the Dune background due to problems with licensing from the Herbert estate, but it will use the _rules_ from the old Dune boardgame, but set in the TI3 background (just as the old Thunder's Edge boardgame is set in the TI3 universe, but revolves around a planet-based war). So basically it's exactly the opposite of the TI3 PBF's with Dune races that are currently being played/have been played on the wiki...