So there are tumors flying around the standard GW-centric forums that there is an Age of Sigmar branded Warhammer Quest Board Game in development. With the caveat that I have no idea what the licensing agreement between FFG and GW looks like, these rumors have me concerned about the future of WHQ:ACG for the following reasons:
1) GW appears to be trying to re-enter the board game space. Deathwatch, Lost Patrol, new BloodBowl, and recent announcements that Specialist Games is making a full on comeback lends credence to this. This is a concern because (and this is total speculation) it appears as though GW is attempting to position themselves as a direct competitor to FFG, which may endanger the license.
2) Having a card game by FFG coexist with a board game or miniatures game from GW is, of course, not unheard of (Death Angel, 40k Conquest, Warhammer Invasion). However, trying to think like a corporation, having those games in shared universes benefits both parties. People who play Death Angel may get into Space Hulk or 40k (or vice versa). Having a setting conflict between Warhammer Quest products benefits neither party (or at least only benefits FFG). FFG gets the old world fans burned by GW, while anyone who comes in by way of the card game will look at Age of Sigmar and go, "lolwhut?"
3) and this really should be exhibit one; Warhammer DiskWars. By all appearances a dead game and with no response from FFG on the future of the game since January 2015 (and that news was the end of organized play, 3 days after they announced the start of organized play).
All of these make me me think that we are **** lucky that this game ever got out the door, but our luck has run out. I hope I'm wrong. I have rarely hoped so hard to be wrong about any gaming topic in my life, but I really do think that we are aren't going to see any expansions. Although maybe they will do POD expansions like for Death Angel. I'm running out of hope though.