Rumors of new GW Warhammer Quest

By FatherTurin, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

So there are tumors flying around the standard GW-centric forums that there is an Age of Sigmar branded Warhammer Quest Board Game in development. With the caveat that I have no idea what the licensing agreement between FFG and GW looks like, these rumors have me concerned about the future of WHQ:ACG for the following reasons:

1) GW appears to be trying to re-enter the board game space. Deathwatch, Lost Patrol, new BloodBowl, and recent announcements that Specialist Games is making a full on comeback lends credence to this. This is a concern because (and this is total speculation) it appears as though GW is attempting to position themselves as a direct competitor to FFG, which may endanger the license.

2) Having a card game by FFG coexist with a board game or miniatures game from GW is, of course, not unheard of (Death Angel, 40k Conquest, Warhammer Invasion). However, trying to think like a corporation, having those games in shared universes benefits both parties. People who play Death Angel may get into Space Hulk or 40k (or vice versa). Having a setting conflict between Warhammer Quest products benefits neither party (or at least only benefits FFG). FFG gets the old world fans burned by GW, while anyone who comes in by way of the card game will look at Age of Sigmar and go, "lolwhut?"

3) and this really should be exhibit one; Warhammer DiskWars. By all appearances a dead game and with no response from FFG on the future of the game since January 2015 (and that news was the end of organized play, 3 days after they announced the start of organized play).

All of these make me me think that we are **** lucky that this game ever got out the door, but our luck has run out. I hope I'm wrong. I have rarely hoped so hard to be wrong about any gaming topic in my life, but I really do think that we are aren't going to see any expansions. Although maybe they will do POD expansions like for Death Angel. I'm running out of hope though.

My humble opinion.... I have no speculation on what's going to happen. But I would like to happen....

GW has proven to be utterly brilliant at the art of manufacturing miniatures.

GW has proven to be Jar-Jar Binks level incompetent at the art of designing games.

Nothing would tickle my fancy more than seeing GW just grant FFG the exclusive license to design all things Warhammer and retain the miniature portion of business. The notion that GW is going to produce a game that clashes with anything FFG does just sickens me.

Where are all of these rumors really?

I am not reading them at

Who is claiming actual authority here?

Warseer is not GW!

None of the other fansites are GW!

I would be long dead if I relied all the rumors out there about GW over the years.

"Where's the beef?!?"

As in, where is the proof of even the most amiable of these rumors?

I see none.

I want chapter & verse from Studio or from Rountree.

I am tired of all the yic-yack.

Cough up or shut up I say to all of the rumormongers out there.

GW has proven to be Jar-Jar Binks level incompetent at the art of designing games.

That's a harsh way to describe the company that gave me bloodbowl, necromunda, warhammer quest, manowar, space hulk and talisman.

I'll give you that they have made good games in the past. In fact, some of them had true flashes of brilliance. But that was in the 80s and 90s. Space Hulk's reprint is a recent exception, but the past ten years or so of GW has generally left a bad taste in my mouth, while FFG has taken up the mantle of fun, varied and unique games in the various GW universes. The real issue (for me) is if this rumor is true, and if it means that this game is already dead, well, that sucks.


26 enemies, probably 4 space marines (oops, I mean age of Sigmar heroes that are in no way space marines with hammers), tokens, tiles, cards....

I'm calling it. $175 in US dollars.

I'm sure it will sell as well as the rest of the Age of Trademarks Sigmar has thus far. I still can't believe GW blew up the entire world just because they're still hurt they weren't allowed to trademark the word 'Elf'.

Obviously I don't know what the licensing deal between GW and FFG looks like, but point 2 seems the most compelling to me. If GW are unveiling a Warhammer Quest product set in the Age of Sigmar then I can see that they wouldn't want another Warhammer Quest product getting new releases which is set in the Old World, and thus potentially confusing for people. Therefore, unless it was already agreed that WHQ:ACG could have x number of expansions, I am also pessimistic about seeing any more content for this game.

However, I think FFG said somewhere they were both surprised by and pleased with how well WHQ:ACG sold. This makes me wonder if we will see a similar game coming out set in a different world (e.g. the Runebound/Descent setting). I'm a long-time fan of the Warhammer lore so I wouldn't see this as an ideal outcome but it would definitely be better than nothing!

So there are tumors flying around the standard GW-centric forums

I don't know if this was mistyped or intentional, but either way it's brilliant and got a laugh out of me.

Well i didnt read anything in that link about the Silver Tower that made me excited. I am not sure i know what a Duardin or Aelf is - are they just trying to rename everything ?

Tzeentch isnt a setting i would buy into i dont think anyway. The original Quest had a purer fantasy setting which i liked.

The posts above do paste a sad view that the Adventure Card game is dead already. That would be such a shame, as we really need a load of new monsters / heroes etc. I am hopeful its all just development time, if they were waiting to see sales and then expand then it would take time to play test and design a new expansions. Also we havent had anything more on Runebound 3rd either apart from some extra tokens which isnt new content - so maybe FFG have just got too lost in Star Wars at the moment. Hopefully we will get one expansions as i think the game needs it.

Edited by Crusaderlord

I still have a little hope, after all, Blood Bowl Team Manager had an expansion kind of suddenly announced 10 months or so after release, so maybe some stuff will happen with this game. I also know that at least one of the Sadlers has an account on these forums and has posted, I just wish he would give us a hint!

Well i didnt read anything in that link about the Silver Tower that made me excited. I am not sure i know what a Duardin or Aelf is - are they just trying to rename everything ?

Tzeentch isnt a setting i would buy into i dont think anyway. The original Quest had a purer fantasy setting which i liked.

The posts above do paste a sad view that the Adventure Card game is dead already. That would be such a shame, as we really need a load of new monsters / heroes etc. I am hopeful its all just development time, if they were waiting to see sales and then expand then it would take time to play test and design a new expansions. Also we havent had anything more on Runebound 3rd either apart from some extra tokens which isnt new content - so maybe FFG have just got too lost in Star Wars at the moment. Hopefully we will get one expansions as i think the game needs it.

A long time ago, GW in their rampant IP abuse tried to trademark very generic fantasy terms, like 'Elf' and 'Dwarf', and they've been throwing a temper tantrum about it since not being allowed to. Finally they just blew up the entire Old World in order to rename things like Elf to Aelf and Dwarf to Duardin, making all the words up so they could get their precious trademarks. It reads like Tolkien fanfic written by thirteen year old boys.

Edited by Shadin

I wonder what makes them think that renaming something as an Aelf is in any way a good idea - i mean an Elf or Dwarf will always be seen as that regardless of what they call it. Seems like a complete waste of time to me. I am not against GW at all - they gave us Warhammer Quest after all, but maybe the newer designers there have lost their way.

We will just have to wait and hope for more news of the Adventure Card game. I like to think we will get one box more at least.

Edited by Crusaderlord

I wonder what makes them think that renaming something as an Aelf is in any way a good idea - i mean an Elf or Dwarf will always be seen as that regardless of what they call it. Seems like a complete waste of time to me. I am not against GW at all - they gave us Warhammer Quest after all, but maybe the newer designers there have lost their way.

We will just have to wait and hope for more news of the Adventure Card game. I like to think we will get one box more at least.

I don't even think it's the new designers, I think they're just doubling down on the bad behavior they've had for years.

I enjoy WHQ immensely, but if this game dies and they reboot it into another IP (LOTR, Runebound, anything) I wouldn't be upset. I love this game, but I loathe GW for how they treat their fans and their business practices. If GW re-releases WHQ themselves, I won't buy it, the closest I'll come to giving them money is this, an FFG game that merely licenses their world.

Don't forget, GW themselves have (reportedly) said that they are a miniatures company, not a game company. They have been going about bare faced cash grabs for so long (behold, in this new edition of 40k, flyers or AA are critically important. Buy these expensive kits for one or the other, but maybe both!) that I lost my appeal for the games a long time ago. Then they nuke the most interesting, developed and fun fantasy setting this side of middle earth (although Privateer Press was giving them a run for their money) to release fantasy space marines, the kind of universe that a 13 year old would develop (seriously, Christopher Paolini put more effort into his world building than AoS) and 4 pages of rules. All to try and make WFB a "beer and pretzels" game.

Now, I got turned off to WFB a long time ago because of the complexity of the game (along with constant revisions, new editions, etc.) but deep down I still loved the game and longed for a time when I could dive back in. People didn't play WFB for a quick "beer and pretzels" game, and who the heck is going to shell out hundreds of dollars in minis and books then spend hours painting for that kind of game? Pick up WHQ for $40, Death Angel for $25, heck, get a deck of cards for $5 and play hold'em! That's a "beer and pretzels" game. Don't get me wrong, GW produces GORGEOUS minis. Have you seen the latest Archaon miniature? Holy hell, that's a pretty piece of plastic. But it all feels weird and disconnected now, and without the "reality" of the old world to ground it, it's even more unrelatable than most fantasy. In an attempt to make new trademarks, they've made everything somehow feel more generic. When you have a half naked dwarf dual wield battle axes with hair made of fire riding a wingless dragon, generic is the LAST thing you should feel. And yet...

Sorry this turned into a GW rant. I just sorely miss the days where the shadow war between Dark Elves and the Naggarythe was taking place at the same time as desperate battles between Beastmen and Wood Elves under the canopies of Athel Loren, while Karl Franz was marshaling allies to take on the latest chaos horde, Orc Waaaghs were ready to just kick over the whole thing and light it on fire, and underneath everyone the Skaven clans (in my opinion the single greatest thing GW ever brought to fantasy games or literature) were plotting, planning, stabbing each other in the back, and biding their time to gnaw on the bones of civilization. Now it's as lame and generic as battleworld from the latest secret wars, just without anything as badass as God-Emperor Doom.

Edited by FatherTurin

Meh, I'd probably buy it. WHQ: TACG was good, but was really just a condensed version of the iOS app.

Everyone wants to complain about GW's new Fantasy Setting Space Marines...totally warranted...and I agree. Everyone is so fond of the Old World, which was truly just a Black Powder Middlearth meets the Holy Roman Empire... GW is just a 13 year old's playland.

Here's some trademark dandy's! GW on the left, ME on the right.

Loth Lorien - Athel Loren

Mt Gunbad - Mt Gundabad

Misty Mountain - Misty Mountains

Karak-Dum - Khazad Dum

Sylvaneth - Sylvan Elves

The Witch King of Naggaroth - The Witch King of Angmar

Meh, I'd probably buy it. WHQ: TACG was good, but was really just a condensed version of the iOS app.

Everyone wants to complain about GW's new Fantasy Setting Space Marines...totally warranted...and I agree. Everyone is so fond of the Old World, which was truly just a Black Powder Middlearth meets the Holy Roman Empire... GW is just a 13 year old's playland.

Here's some trademark dandy's! GW on the left, ME on the right.

Loth Lorien - Athel Loren

Mt Gunbad - Mt Gundabad

Misty Mountain - Misty Mountains

Karak-Dum - Khazad Dum

Sylvaneth - Sylvan Elves

The Witch King of Naggaroth - The Witch King of Angmar

Rose tinted glasses and all that. Still had some highlights and truly original things (Skaven) but your points are very well taken.

I loved All GW products and as a 15 year old thought, THIS MATERIAL IS AMAZING! ...Then I read the Lord of the Rings and was like...this is more of a total rip off than dungeons and dragons?! Like, they're not even trying to hide it. haha.

Full Disclosure...I do still love it because it reminds me if being 15 again and my friends back then

haha! I forgot Ahzag The Slaughterer - Azog the Slaughterer

Meh, I'd probably buy it. WHQ: TACG was good, but was really just a condensed version of the iOS app.

Everyone wants to complain about GW's new Fantasy Setting Space Marines...totally warranted...and I agree. Everyone is so fond of the Old World, which was truly just a Black Powder Middlearth meets the Holy Roman Empire... GW is just a 13 year old's playland.

Here's some trademark dandy's! GW on the left, ME on the right.

Loth Lorien - Athel Loren

Mt Gunbad - Mt Gundabad

Misty Mountain - Misty Mountains

Karak-Dum - Khazad Dum

Sylvaneth - Sylvan Elves

The Witch King of Naggaroth - The Witch King of Angmar

Wow, that's even worse than I thought. I was a Tolkien nerd as a kid so I never really got into anything Warhammer lore related, and by the time I had the money to even possibly get involved they were doing all their weird online sales and trademark things, so I was immediately turned off on the company. The fact they're just trademarking obvious Tolkien material is hilarious.