Share some of your UFS memories

By Shaneth, in UFS General Discussion

This thread is to share your memorable experiences with UFS, whether it's at your local store or at major events.
I wish to learn more about the players of UFS. I like stories!

Back in the day on the old STG forums where it was plain white and avatars/sigs did not exist, there was a thread in the soapbox called "I ban you because..." and you had to post a response to the person above you. After a couple pages of posts, the moderator at the time (Rapierduel) changed about 5 ppls usertags to "BANNED! (not really)." Since we forum users couldn't change our usertags, we were left with that usertag.

So 5 ppl total were known as "BANNED! (not really)"

At Worlds 2007, after I made top 16 and fought my way to top 4, I found myself sitting across the table from Andrew Olexa and his clutch Vega. We were talking while shuffling our decks, and here's an excerpt from our conversation:

Shane: "Do you have a forum name?"
Olexa: "Yeah, it's drewkasa. I'm a member of the Banned Not Really group."
Shane: "Holy ****! So am I!!!!"

So I'm sitting across the table in semifinals from the future world champion and one of the 5 Banned Not Really people on the forums. What luck.

ya'll have no stories?

Lots of loosing and nashing of teeth!

me and the rest of Team TN[Ramiel, Seniko, Little Gaines, Scott Gaines and me] went to a tourny in SE Kentucky and a few things happened:

first round me vs Seniko

I play 3 bitter rivals first turn *he reads the card, remembers his deck is full of cards with Multiple*, i end my turn, he draws only 1 foundation with multiple attacks, he attempts to play an attack, i use all 3 bitter rivals to clear his hand, then on my turn go off, at that point he defines the card as broken.

Fourth Round vs an Alba2 Chaos deck

i have 3 draw segments AWESOME[playing promo athena] and keep his board commited the whole game, he almost reached across and strangled me.

Before top 8, we go to the local Chinese restaurant and start assigning difficulty to EAT The food, iirc Sweet and Sour Chicken was 5 Difficulty, Spare Ribs was 7, Egg Soup was a 2, etc, was awesome.

Another fun one was durring MTAC this year at the SEC Regionals,

I went out after i was bounced out of the tourny and started co-mingling with some of the cute cosplayers there, found a group of girls cosplaying as the Sailor Senshi and well it didnt end up as well as their boyfriends saw me flirting with them and i end up getting Chased back to the room and fall UP steps and then down a ramp to the side and luckilly they run right by me, leaving me there to just laugh a bit on the inside and praying they dont see me sneek back into the room which was just behind them, fun times.


My first FoP tournament in Toronto in Feb of 2007. Played a Water aggro and really turned some heads with my Promo Lizardman deck. First time I ever met Team Foxhound. And learned the severity of a cold canadian night with a hotel room that had a broken window. I also got to play who I consider a UFS legend KnightSpirit at the event...the leader of Team Pacific. I also remember people's reactions of me having foil Material advantage at the event, and the constant "Will you trade those's after the event" type of questions all day long. My group recieved the Long distances traveled award by Team Pacific for that event.

Award Video form event may see a few old forum names pop up and me too

also hear are some of the many youtubed UFS events

Can Nats 2008-

And just to let you all know...the guy who is in the Terry outfit can cook some of the best food ever.

My best UFS memory so far has to be this past GenCon. Meeting Yanni and Joe, the epic gathering at Pasta land, just generally awesome for my first GenCon.

My second, the TN Regionals at MTAC, was prepped but ended up hanging out with Scott and Ben and Ivy and sharing a drink... and another and a few more :P

you and i didnt play eachother that day did we zessei? i dont remember seeing you there, though there were many fun things that happened there, including Ben getting so wasted that he didnt recognize Chubbs' voice over the phone, and then turned around and made his own castle out of the chairs from that room... god he's good for entertainement isnt he.


Going to the old Foundations of Power events. My friend getting lost to one of them (Diversions in NW Ohio, which IIRC no longer exists). He drove all the way there, wanted to pay the 10 bucks for the FoPs anyhow, but was denied, because he was one round late...

Rocking some tournament in Dayton (Bell Book and Comics or was it the other one that no longer does UFS...) a Good Talim first turn kill thing with cards whose names I don't remember (popular deck type that STG employee AMY won the STG staff tournament they had). I was sandbagging B Jenet. lols. I lost to a Life Rose deck of all things in the top 8...

I built a mill Yoshitora deck back in the old days. All it did was block and mill. During my thrid match ever with the deck, my opponent started screaming to the judge that my deck didn't do anything. It just sat there. She said a draw would ruin her record. I told her that if my deck did do stuff, she hadn't noticed that she had cycled once and was half way to it again, while I was only half way through my deck.

The deck eventually evolved into Athena/Akuma which I took to worlds 2008 and top 16ed in Legacy. Vast Recources/Shinobi draw loop. Awesomeness. The late game, massive high speed Tiger Fury. Good times.

NJBrock22 said:

you and i didnt play eachother that day did we zessei? i dont remember seeing you there, though there were many fun things that happened there, including Ben getting so wasted that he didnt recognize Chubbs' voice over the phone, and then turned around and made his own castle out of the chairs from that room... god he's good for entertainement isnt he.


Probably not, you'd have remembered me :P My NightTerror and I failed hard though =/ O well was hella fun.

So many good memories....

*Flashback ripple*

MWCC I- I met all the big names that weekend, Chavez, Ray, Bittner, Herr, Khols, Olexa, Vik. Was a super awesome time, ended up taking 4th in teams with Vik and my buddy Jeff.

US Nats 2008-Met even MOAR people, most notably J Post, Shane "SCUUUUUUBADOOOOOOOOOD" Duckworth, Scott Gaines, and Chubbs*shudders*

So much happened that weekend:

-Tucker feel asleep in the shower

-Tucker got walled up in the bathroom by Nick, Joe, Jeremy and I.

-We sang "Gay Bay" by Electric Six next to a very....ummm....butch woman.

-Jeremy Ray is the worst Circle of Death player EVER.

-Olexa and I like to talk about random **** during the finals.

-Garrison does now know how to drive at night, leading to us getting pulled over at like 11:30.

-Giant Pikachu was awesome

-Matt Kohls likes to sign lolipops with his TEETH

-Volodmar drives lots of cars.

-Jeremy Ray is the worst Circle of Death player I have ever seen.

-Ledezma is FAST as hell.

-Chubbs is ALWAYS naked.

There are a ton more memories from random events in Wisconsin and what not, but I thought I would list just a few of the funny ones.

Halbard100 said:

My best UFS memory so far has to be this past GenCon. Meeting Yanni and Joe, the epic gathering at Pasta land, just generally awesome for my first GenCon.

My second, the TN Regionals at MTAC, was prepped but ended up hanging out with Scott and Ben and Ivy and sharing a drink... and another and a few more :P

Man that night at gencon was epic good has to be the best time ive after a UFS tourney ever!

my best memory was when this game was well supported and 20-30 people showing up for tournaments. Wish it was still like that but i guess everything dies at some point

Shaneth said:

ya'll have no stories?

I am never involved in IRL shenanigans.

*Yoshitora* Good vs *Twelve* Earth = Over an hour of tennis. A true game of gaining the edge, but not enough so to win.

I built a Good Yoshitora to prove that he's the most anti-meta character in the game, and my friend, inspired by Vikramas, built an Earth Twelve because he felt Twelve was the most flexible deck at the time. What ensued was the absolute longest game I've ever played, because every single turn counted immensely.

By turn 1 I already had both stacker **Yoshitora** AND Nadeshiko, meaning the odds were in my favor, but also that my opponent could use any of my own abilities against me. I also had Impetuous splashed in to give an otherwise all Good build the control that it truly needed, and had it dropped by turn 2, leading to a LOT of really lame stuff, like him blowing up my PIVOTAL Compassionate Heroisms, and of course, Impetuous itself. The most common play, though, was copying my Nadeshiko, committing Twelve to blow up almost every foundation I ran one by one (as I, of course, did to him).

As we both had a 7 handsize, and ran a ton of either damage redux or return-to-printed, we were more than capable of building a TON of foundations, only to see them get Nadeshiko/Twelve'd into oblivion. That, and he kept my foundations in check with Ring Vet-Unknown BS, as a Unique Nadeshiko simply cannot take them all out as quickly as I'd like.

While I was able to keep him at bay with Reversals, Good's damage output simply didn't get good until a year later when Good got Savage Fighter and Fight or Flight, so while I could hold him off, killing was another question.

Either way, it was the absolute most intense game I've ever played, as several turns of Throws and Clones was simply too pressuring. In the end, the Prince of Justice prevailed, and while it wasn't convincing enough, going undefeated at the following tournament loaded with Ukyo, Nakoruru, and other top tier characters made him understand.

Honorable mention: **Mai** vs **Ibuki** = I stun...and get hit back.

This match wasn't as epic in content so much as it was in length. Talk about gray war. Any time I think I'd have the hand necessary, all he had to do was either ready his stuff, or commit mine and hold me back, then return the favor by Stunning me (something I couldn't do about). However, that was late-game. Almost every 7 card hand we drew was nothing but gray, meaning the effectiveness of Mai dropped each and every turn. In the end, he overextended his hand, leaving him with not nearly enough blocks for my all-attack 7 card hand.

Homme Chapeau said:

I am never involved in IRL shenanigans.

Hatman... shaddup.

Shaneth said:

Homme Chapeau said:

I am never involved in IRL shenanigans.

Hatman... shaddup.

You cannot prove it was me.

Other than the fact that I look like that, have the same hat and t-shirt in my wardrobe, and that this was arguably the worst deck I've ever piloted at any sort of a major event.

What'd you play again?

Shaneth said:

What'd you play again?

Dee Jay* Using the Multiple Dread Carnival combo.

oooo ya that is perty jank...

Remember when Target X ftk'd my boy at that event?

Shaneth said:

oooo ya that is perty jank...

Remember when Target X ftk'd my boy at that event?

Yeah. Didn't know it was yo boy though.

I got tons of boys.

Remember when Chubbs and I did the lollipop dance for you?

Shaneth said:

I got tons of boys.

Remember when Chubbs and I did the lollipop dance for you?

Yep. Was the only event I saw you at too. And we had to bail before the belt fight.

It was like... the only US event you ever went to...

I remember a time when control was viable.