Mission Control Update Wave VIII

By PolTerrick, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

Hello there, I just wanted to start creating some Missions here, but sadly I found out that Mission Control is missing the wave VIII ships. Will there be an update? I would love to get one, so I could finally start creating my small X-Wing campaign...

I have to comment on the game balance. The small fighters were pretty well balanced with each faction. However, since the large ships have arrived, the game is way of balanced. Especially since the Punishing One. Is has totally broken the game. Being able to deploy 3 Punishing Ones with torpedo and extra munitions has totally wrecked the game. I thought the IG-2000s were over the top with their 3 evade dice and ability to add a cannon and get a second shot. There is just not much play for the T-70 and before ships. Large ships with 2 and 3 evade dice is way over the top. It does need to be corrected immediately. Possible suggestions. 1. Reduce all small fighter costs by 5 or more. 2. Increase the cost of those agile large ships. 3. Give each small fighter a title for '0" cost upgrades (T-65 Shield and Engine) (Tie Fighter upgrade to Tie/Fo) (Tie Interceptor 2-Shields and Com Relay) (T-70 Hull and 4 attack) (All fighters gain 1 defense dice and subtract 5 squad points from each ship) (T-70 probably needs all pilot skills to improve by +1 and is in need for some additional pilots) (Kh-fighter needs Engine and Shield) (Z-95 Hull and +1 attack dice) Bottom line: the older ships still need to be viable in the game as well, and those large ships with better agility than fighters need to cost a lot more than they do. (Add 1 agility to each fighter and reduce the cost, or significantly increase the cost for the large ships) The Ghost and the Shuttle don't seem out of line. Thoughts?

Yes. You hijacked a thread for a topic that belongs in the general forum. This thread actually was about mission control.

That being said I would also love to see mission control updated more regularly.

Yeah. An update would help me build up my campaign based on the X-Wing and TIE Fighter Tour of Duties (from the 90s Simulators) much faster!!! and I could share them with you guys...