More love for Lord of the Rings(not LCG)

By Wulfr, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I really wish for some more love for the LotR franchise by FFG.

1: A reskinning of Warhammer Quest Adventure card game or Elder Sign(or something inspired by both) to LotR theme. I like some of the LotR LCG. But it is not for casual gamers and does not work as a pick-up game. I really hate the deck building aspect and it is really too complicated, too long and too hard. I love the art, I love a lot of the mechanics. A non-deckbuilder with lots of story aspects would be fantastic. I want new stories of adventure in Middle-Earth.

2:A LotR version of Descent/Imperial Assualt (with co-op mode)

3: A Battlelore 2ed version for LotR. This would be so glorious.

4: Arkham Horror / Runebound co-op style board game in Middle-Earh. What Middle-Earth Quest should have been. The Sauron player aspect really soiled that game for me. But it was so close.

No hope for anything of this ever happening I guess. But a wish is a wish.

Edited by Wulfr

I wish that would happen too. But I don't think Lord of the Rings has anything to do with stars or wars.

I was talking about it would be nice with a Descent 2ed/Imperial Assault type of adventure dungeoncrawler in Midde-Earth (they use the same system). So Middle-Earth Descent basically. I dont get how Star Wars is really relevant.

Edited by Wulfr

I've been begging for a good Middle-earth dungeon crawl board game for ages now, and I've lost hope it'll actually happen.

I'd prefer a Descent-style game, but I'd settle for a Middle-earth Talisman with expansion boards for some of the specific areas of Middle-earth (like Moria, the Misty Mountains, etc).