Dear Lord... Xianghua discards?

By guitalex2008, in UFS Deck Building

It's a pretty crazy idea, but I love coming up with things like these. Here's the deal!

1 6/6 Xianghua. +0M

4 4/5 Ninja Tactics +2M - Combo (Combo, Combo)
3 4/5 Clash of the Ages +3M - Breaker:2

4 2/5 Sword of No Name +2M - Unique - Weapon
4 2/5 Path of the Master +2M - Unique

4 4/2 3M5 Playful Slice +2L - Weapon - Combo (Action, Weapon)
4 5/3 5M4 Dragon's Flame +1M - Ranged - Combo (Mid Weapon, High Attack)
4 5/3 4M4 Mark of the Beast +1M - Weapon
4 4/3 3H4 Assassin's Secret +2H - Kick - Combo (Weapon)
4 5/3 5M4 Oratorio Halcyon +2M - Weapon - Combo (Mid Attack, Mid Attack)

4 1/5 Quick Exit
4 2/5 Mesmerizing Dance +3M
4 2/5 Just Kidding +3L
4 2/5 Stand Off +3M
4 3/4 Keep Them Down
4 3/5 War Between Sisters +3M

Total: 60 cards


Sure, it has Ninja Tactics cheatery. It also has Path + Quick Exit. It also runs Stand Off. And can use her F to put Playful Slice in the card pool and can follow it with a fully combo'd Dragon's Flame if needed.

But who cares when Clash of the Ages lets you play an attack and get rid of their hand with Keep Them Down and War Between Sisters?

Well, I care. But hey, I'd totally do this.

Let me guess, was this deck idea one of those "way too random" ideas of mine? lmao

Lose some attacks, maybe the Oratorio, that way you check better. You could replace them with either The Forgotten Technique or Nursing a Grudge. Almost everything you run is a Combo.

MarcoPulleaux said:

Lose some attacks, maybe the Oratorio, that way you check better. You could replace them with either The Forgotten Technique or Nursing a Grudge. Almost everything you run is a Combo.

Yeah, that's for Ninja Tactics cheatery. Hmm... perhaps... if I didn't already have that many 3 diffs I'd consider Trained Far and Wide to remove the progressive difficulty of something.

Removing attacks... grr. Well, even though she has 7 HS, I need the Oratotio/Playful Slice/Mark of the Beast in order to start fulfilling Dragon's Flame. If needed, Ass Secret can be fetched with her F, so this is no problem.

I mean, how awesome would it be to check 5, 5, 5, 5, 7 to play a string of Mark of the Beast/Oratorio Halcyon -> Playful Slice -> Mark of the Beast/Oratorio Halcyon (Combo) -> Assassin's Secret (Combo if you care lol) -> Dragon's Flame (Combo E because +17 damage is a good thing), especially when you don't NEED to have all of these out?

But Nursing a Grudge is a MUST for this, you're absolutely right. I'll look into it.

I mean, you only need Mark of the Beast/Oratorio, one of the 4 diffs and Dragon's Flame. You can fetch the 4 diff you don't have from the discard pile and play the other one.