I have joined the Fire Band Wagon---Marius Gaius

By Deck dont matter, in UFS Deck Building

Marius Gaius
6hs/ 28LP

4x Financial Troubles 2/5 (All,Fire) ----Draw Cards
3x Battle Tested 2/5 (All,Fire) -----Draw Cards (POTM trigger)
4x Defeated the Rifle 2/5 (All,Fire) ------damage and speed bonus (Potm Trigger)
4x The Strength Within 1/5 (All, Fire)----damage or speed bonus (Potm Trigger)
4x Hope for one's people 0/5 (Fire)----foundation Spam
3x Hungry for Battle 2/4 (Fire, Earth)----Damage Bonus
4x Broodling 1/5 (Fire, Earth)-----Damage Bonus
3x Paid to Protect 2/5 (Fire, Earth)-----speed reduction/damage reduction
3x Unstoppable Warrior 2/4 (Fire, Earth)------Damage Bonus
4x stand-off 2/5 (Fire,Earth)----Damage reduction/bonus
3x Looking for a Thrill 2/4 (All, Fire)------ Damage or Speed Bonus

4x Mist Stance 2/5 (All, Fire)----Damage Bonus/1 shot speed bonus
4x Quick Strike 4/5v(All, Fire)----CC+/Damage Bonus/Speed Bonus
3x Berserking Rage 3/5 (Fire, Earth)-----Damage Bonus
4x Warrior's Path 2/5 (All, Fire)-----Anti Discard/ Damage Bonus

2x Paul's Gi 2/4 (All, Fire)----Card drawing/possible stun(PotM Trigger)
3x POTM 2/5 (infinite)----Damage Bonus/Card Draw

4x Asteroth's Body Splash 4/3 2H 5dmg (Fire, Earth)
4x Full Moon Disembowl 5/3 3H 6dmg
4x Cleave 5/3 3H 5dmg (Earth, Fire)
3x Upper Claw 4/2 5H 5dmg (Fire)

3x Memories of the stained armor 3/4
3x Soul Wave 6/4
1x Bryan Fury
1x Mitsurugi*

The deck still needs a little work...waiting on cards to arrive until i can start the hard testing but it is a lot of fun in just the earth based testing....With fire you receive the draw advantage, and just in general a better foundation base to work with. I have personally wanting other symbols to become the beat down symbol and hope with the new set more will pop up.

pretty much the foundation and action numbers need the most work...but attacks and assets I'm locked in with atm.