Midnight 2nd edition core book, $200?

By biomage, in Legacy Game Discussion

Why are Midnight core rulebooks selling for $200 on Amazon? A few months ago, I bought three for $8 each. I just don't see the demand for the book being that great. Anyone have any idea?

No, other than since it's out of print would be speculators are just hoping someone will pay that much.

Probably just wishful thinking.

I bought a whole lot of most of the books for $100 that got me almost all of the books a few years back.

I chalk it off to wishful thinking on the part of Amazon sellers.

Many many Out of Print books go for a mint on there simply because they are out of print, not because of rarity of overwhelming demand.

Never trust such prices on ebay or even used book stores who use amazon to help price their out of print books (such as half price book stores, etc) because it is an artificial inflation based solely on wishful thinking.

But then again, P.T. Barnum did say that there was a sucker born every minute...