Because he's simply more dangerous than ever, our favorite Fox now enters the ring with all sorts of new tricks that have upped his aggressive game since we last saw him.
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Steve Fox* - Fire
Actions: 3
3x Ascending Zephyr 2/5
Assets: 6
3x Wonderworld Comics 2/5 +3-LOW [Terrain]
3x Path of the Master 2/5 +2-MID [unique]
Attacks: 16
4x Blazing Fist 5/3 +2-LOW
4x Hammer of the Gods 5/3 +2-HIGH [stun: 2]
4x Tandoya 5/3 [stun: 1]
4x Turn Thruster 4/2 +1-MID [stun: 1]
Foundations: 39
4x For the Money 2/5 +3-MID
3x Paid to Protect 2/5 +3-MID
3x Stand Off 2/5 +3-MID
4x Nursing a Grudge 2/5
4x For Justice 2/5
3x Financial Troubles 2/5
3x Inhuman Speed 2/5
4x Looking for a Thrill 2/4 +3-HIGH
4x Hungry for Battle 2/4
4x The Strength Within 1/5 +2-MID
3x Hope for One's People 0/5 +3-HIGH
R/F for R/F