Orc Slayers

By A1istor, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building

I do not have a deck list per say, but this is a list of cards that would work in the deck. I want to be able to stop the onslaught of the Orc swarm as well as beat other decks as well. Something that Smash Em All won’t laugh at. In the list you will see High Elves, Empire as well as Dwarves. The high elves ability to heal, the empires ability to move damage and units, and the resilience of the dwarves are all key.
I will break down the list as to what and why certain cards are there for. Some are in the air as to I don't know if I should bother. Help me out guys and maybe we can stop those pesky orcs! Here is the list if some cards are in the wrong spot let me know for I don’t have them in front of me.


Gurni's Elite
Archmage of saphery
Grudge thrower
Zhufbar engineer
Warrior Priest
Peasant militia
Defender of the hold
Hammerer of karak azul
Troll slayers
Dwarf mason’s
Ironbreaker of anchor
Dwarf ranger
Dwarf cannon crew

City Gates
Keystone forge
Contested Village
Forgotten Cemetery
Contested Fortress
Master rune of dismay

Stand your ground
Greater heal
Rune of fortitude
Will of electors
Judgment of verena
Forced march
Franz decree
Striking the grudge
Stubborn Refusal
Grudge thrower assault
Wake the mountain
Organ gun
Master rune of valaya
Burn it down

A glorious death

Ok now the explanations as to why some of these cards I believe should stay.

Zhufbar Engineer’s is used to weaken opposing units. They will most likely pick the weakest unit to sacrifice but one unit less is better to deal with.
Rune of Fortitude: weakens the opponent by either their units of resources. Slow them down!
Grudge Thrower: also weakens power
Archmage of Saphery: is a meh. To heal one damage is small but helpful. Is it worth it?
Blessing of Isha: is if they try to corrupt your key unit, this should counter and keep him safe.
Greater heal: is self explanatory
Infiltrate (quest in the spoiler list unless I read wrong is a tactic named the same) Deck them out fast with this card.
A Glorious death: stalls. Destroy their units keep you alive.
Will of the electors: goes against Rip Dere”eads off. They have to designate a development, in that process you chain this card and move the selected development.
Demoralize: stalls and weaken opposing units
Forced march: is to move that pesky unit that’s killing you.
Peasant Militia: is to soak damage
Franz Decree: again another stall card
City Gates: any development equals good.
Master rune of valaya: allows you to cancel damage. Keeps you alive. This is key!!!
Keystone forge: gives resources and heal what’s not to like.
Contested village: is this really needed?
Dwarf ranger: damage without touching them seems great, is it needed?
Forgotten Cemetery: draw what you need faster
Hammerer of karak azul: soaks up damage
Dwarf Cannon Crew: there are a lot of support cards this gets to them faster
Master rune of dismay: get this out fast helps slow down the enemy
Iron breaker of Ankhor: He is your primary wall
Stand your ground: Bring back your units…. Need I say more?
Mountain Brigade: another wall
Wake the mountains: Development equal good
Troll slayer: Wall/Damage
Grudge thrower assault: kill that pesky attacker
Demolition: another counter to rid dere eads off