Custom Heralds

By dkw, in Fan Creations

Send me the picture, let me see if I can do something with it. It's not that it's not bad, it's just Y'golonac level disgusting good :') By the way, this thread's about to reach a hundred. First thread on this forum to get so long.

Julia said:

First draft of some crazy ideas about the corrupting power of knowledge

Not so sure about the picture (it should have been some Guardian of the Library, but I'm afarid is a little too fantasy). Comments, as always, are very welcome :-)

Avi_dreader said:

Send me the picture, let me see if I can do something with it. It's not that it's not bad, it's just Y'golonac level disgusting good :') By the way, this thread's about to reach a hundred. First thread on this forum to get so long.

Done! Thanx for the help, Avi!

MyNeighbourTrololo said:

Julia said:

First draft of some crazy ideas about the corrupting power of knowledge

Not so sure about the picture (it should have been some Guardian of the Library, but I'm afarid is a little too fantasy). Comments, as always, are very welcome :-)

What happens with flipped unique items? They go to the bottom of the deck?

Yeah, flip should be intended as "draw and discard without gaining any item"

good work Juila, just as I like them:

simple yet elegant and nasty.

thank you, Amikezor ::smile::

Yeah, that's a great one. Nice!

Looks like I'll be maxing my luck stats this game ;') No? Whoops! ;'D

Avi_dreader said:

Looks like I'll be maxing my luck stats this game ;') No? Whoops! ;'D


Grudunza: thank you :-)

Picture updated (thanks Avi). Now it looks more greenish / arkhamish and less fantasy!

(not so sure the first image will be updated, so I repost it. In case, sorry for the double post)


You're welcome, and congrats, you just opened the first hundred page thread ;')

Avi_dreader said:

You're welcome, and congrats, you just opened the first hundred page thread ;')

::laughter:: let's see if we can reach page 1000 (and be fined from FFG for extra server space needed)

A slightly modified version of Faceless One and The Maskless have been posted in my photobucket. The only rules differences are that Dark Pharoah now also causes a sanity damage when he moves, and Cultists are immune to handcuffs. The rest is minor clarifications and alterations in wording and flavor text.

I really appreciate this. The higher quality of the images, I mean ::laughter::

No, seriously. They are both more comprehensible at a first glance, and I like the "Chthonian + Colour" perma effect of the Pharaoh's movement. Thematically great, and strategically challenging.

Julia said:

I really appreciate this. The higher quality of the images, I mean ::laughter::

No, seriously. They are both more comprehensible at a first glance, and I like the "Chthonian + Colour" perma effect of the Pharaoh's movement. Thematically great, and strategically challenging.

Wellllll... It's actually considerably worse than Cthonian+Colour because A) it triggers *every* time it moves, so it's essentially like having two colors and two cthonians on the board (statistically speaking), and B)notice that it does not say "in Arkham" ;') So... When The Dark Pharoah comes out, it might be in the investigators best interests to assassinate him immediately.

Avi_dreader said:

Wellllll... It's actually considerably worse than Cthonian+Colour because A) it triggers *every* time it moves, so it's essentially like having two colors and two cthonians on the board (statistically speaking), and B)notice that it does not say "in Arkham" ;') So... When The Dark Pharoah comes out, it might be in the investigators best interests to assassinate him immediately.

A) that's why I said "permanent effect"!

B) good point, I didn't notice it!. What about LiTaS characters? I see some devourings coming ;-) Jaaaaaaaaack? Were are you, little sweetie? Come with mommy to see the Egyptian Exhibit...

Julia said:

Avi_dreader said:

Wellllll... It's actually considerably worse than Cthonian+Colour because A) it triggers *every* time it moves, so it's essentially like having two colors and two cthonians on the board (statistically speaking), and B)notice that it does not say "in Arkham" ;') So... When The Dark Pharoah comes out, it might be in the investigators best interests to assassinate him immediately.

A) that's why I said "permanent effect"!

B) good point, I didn't notice it!. What about LiTaS characters? I see some devourings coming ;-) Jaaaaaaaaack? Were are you, little sweetie? Come with mommy to see the Egyptian Exhibit...

Well... Presumeably they'd draw a madness or injury? Or they're going to keep getting renailed I guess :'

The first draft of a curious challenge in Dunwich, partially born after a brainstorming session with Avi ::purring::


Comments, feedback, suggestions are, as always, welcome

Julia said:

The first draft of a curious challenge in Dunwich, partially born after a brainstorming session with Avi ::purring::


Comments, feedback, suggestions are, as always, welcome

Hrm... The Key ability is very much like Atlach... Slightly harder, but similar. I'm not sure if I'd go for it. It's already going to be problematic... Also, the Dunwich Horror appearing would mean that three doom tokens were already placed on the AO's track (meaning that it's already likely to wake Yog). Also, Yog's not that hard to beat in final combat... With this herald, you'd be encouraging final combat. If you want to *really* make the Horror into something nasty, when it moves (give it regular movement stats), the Ancient One awakens. Now that'd add a bit to the real life terror level :'D

I'd change the Key Ability into some sort of Yog-Boost. Perhaps physical resistance? Or requiring twice as many successes to remove doom tokens? And perhaps allowing Yellow bordered monsters in Dunwich to move like black bordered monsters.

Avi_dreader said:

Hrm... The Key ability is very much like Atlach... Slightly harder, but similar. I'm not sure if I'd go for it. It's already going to be problematic... Also, the Dunwich Horror appearing would mean that three doom tokens were already placed on the AO's track (meaning that it's already likely to wake Yog). Also, Yog's not that hard to beat in final combat... With this herald, you'd be encouraging final combat. If you want to *really* make the Horror into something nasty, when it moves (give it regular movement stats), the Ancient One awakens. Now that'd add a bit to the real life terror level :'D

I'd change the Key Ability into some sort of Yog-Boost. Perhaps physical resistance? Or requiring twice as many successes to remove doom tokens? And perhaps allowing Yellow bordered monsters in Dunwich to move like black bordered monsters.

Ok for Yoggie boosting. I'll figure out something later. And thx for spotting out the fact that I was encouraging final battle. I never go for Final Battle, so I didn't consider this.

As per Horror moving... what do you mean exactly? I'm not sure I got the "give it regular movemetn stats" point. Nor the fact that when moving, the AO wakes up. Doesn't this encourage Final Combat as well?

Wow. Are you competing for for hardest Herald of all time ? ^^

Just a quick thought. Why did you forbid using the trophies ? --isn't it Tsatthoggua's ability, which I never really enjoyed...


amikezor said:

Wow. Are you competing for for hardest Herald of all time ? ^^

Just a quick thought. Why did you forbid using the trophies ? --isn't it Tsatthoggua's ability, which I never really enjoyed...


Not so sure it's the toughest ever ::laughter:: As for the trophies... it's very likely to have some characters jump into the Dunwich portals at the beginning of the game, even if they don't have clues to seal them. Just to try desperately to keep Dunwich under control. So, basically it's 5 free gate trophies that can possibly turn into instant Blessings and breaking the game quite easily. The alternative could be: "whenever a gate is closed in Dunwich, return it to the bottom of the gate pile". In this way, we avoid exploiting the too many trophies thing, and we keep the locations working as usual. Would this be better for you? Avi, thoughts?

Possible fixes for the Yog thing:

- Start of the Battle: every investigator must pass a Will (-1) check or discard all his Gate trophies
- Start of the Battle: every investigator must discard one gate trophy
- Yog-Sothoth gains Physical Resistence
- and this is for fun while playing: Upkeep: every time an investigator begins his Upkeep in an Other World, he must roll a die: on a 1, he is Lost in Time and Space

Let me know. As soon as I receive some feedback for fixing it, I'll post the updated Herald

And thx for help!

Julia said:

Avi_dreader said:

Hrm... The Key ability is very much like Atlach... Slightly harder, but similar. I'm not sure if I'd go for it. It's already going to be problematic... Also, the Dunwich Horror appearing would mean that three doom tokens were already placed on the AO's track (meaning that it's already likely to wake Yog). Also, Yog's not that hard to beat in final combat... With this herald, you'd be encouraging final combat. If you want to *really* make the Horror into something nasty, when it moves (give it regular movement stats), the Ancient One awakens. Now that'd add a bit to the real life terror level :'D

I'd change the Key Ability into some sort of Yog-Boost. Perhaps physical resistance? Or requiring twice as many successes to remove doom tokens? And perhaps allowing Yellow bordered monsters in Dunwich to move like black bordered monsters.

Ok for Yoggie boosting. I'll figure out something later. And thx for spotting out the fact that I was encouraging final battle. I never go for Final Battle, so I didn't consider this.

As per Horror moving... what do you mean exactly? I'm not sure I got the "give it regular movemetn stats" point. Nor the fact that when moving, the AO wakes up. Doesn't this encourage Final Combat as well?

Regular movement stats=make it move on 4-6 as usual. You could say it does not move the turn it comes into play (which gives investigators a %16 chance it would awaken the AO the next turn, but that's fair enough odds for stopping it. I wouldn't say it encourages Final Combat, it penalizes investigators by sending them to final combat before they are ready (I'd also have Yog Sothoth get an enhancement if he awakens while the Dunwich Horror is in play, perhaps five extra doom tokens and the first player immediately devoured).

Avi_dreader said:

Regular movement stats=make it move on 4-6 as usual. You could say it does not move the turn it comes into play (which gives investigators a %16 chance it would awaken the AO the next turn, but that's fair enough odds for stopping it. I wouldn't say it encourages Final Combat, it penalizes investigators by sending them to final combat before they are ready (I'd also have Yog Sothoth get an enhancement if he awakens while the Dunwich Horror is in play, perhaps five extra doom tokens and the first player immediately devoured).


What about keeping the +5 doomers and instant devouring if the DH in play, and Physical resistance in any case, but no instant awakening for the DH? It could happen you need a couple of rounds before killing the DH