Custom Heralds

By dkw, in Fan Creations

Jake yet again said:

That the gate is unclosable kills off any hope of a closing victory. You might want to allow it to be closed if it is the only gate in the game.

Are you referring to the rift gate? If so, it can be closed (if it couldn't, I would have specified it). The only reason I had to specify that it's sealable is because it's in a stable location.

I was wondering if instead of tying the gate opening to the doom track, you could tie it to the rift track instead. Have the gate open as soon as a rift appears in arkham and it can't be closed until the rift is closed as well. and each time the rift appears, a new gate appears at the strange high house.

The thing in the rift plays very well, by the way.

Sebastian DuArgo said:

I was wondering if instead of tying the gate opening to the doom track, you could tie it to the rift track instead. Have the gate open as soon as a rift appears in arkham and it can't be closed until the rift is closed as well. and each time the rift appears, a new gate appears at the strange high house.

Wellll... You couuuuld. If you wanted a modified version (I could send you the strange aeons file directly). Here's why I didn't make it that way, it's already too easy to keep the rifts under control. With that as a penalty for allowing a rift to open, players would never allow a rift to open (if they knew what they were doing). That's why I made it something less under players' control.

Sebastian DuArgo said:

The thing in the rift plays very well, by the way.

Thank you :') I'm glad you enjoyed it ;'D and believe me, I'd love a more detailed description of your game based on your memories of it (if you have the time and inclination).

Hi friends,

this is the third (and last) release in my series of "moving gates" Heralds. I tried to introduce gates moving like green border monsters, and the gates from the Lurker were a good inspiration. Enjoy!


As always, feedback are really welcome ;-) and thx Avi for the picture (you've noticed for sure my increasing skills with Photoshop: I mirrored the image by my own ::satisfacted: :)

Julia said:

Hi friends,

this is the third (and last) release in my series of "moving gates" Heralds. I tried to introduce gates moving like green border monsters, and the gates from the Lurker were a good inspiration. Enjoy!


As always, feedback are really welcome ;-) and thx Avi for the picture (you've noticed for sure my increasing skills with Photoshop: I mirrored the image by my own ::satisfacted: :)

I love how it's The Beyond One rather than The One Beyond. It sounds so much weirder that way.

::laughter:: I took notes in case this happens again ::laugher::

Julia said:


Since the gates don't actually move I don't think you need to define them as such, you can save a little space by phrasing The Beyond One... "If the dimensional symbol of a gate is activated during monster movement, refer tot he chart below".

@Veet, thanks for the wording Suggestion



First of all, I wouldn’t even bother mentioning the part about needing Lurker Gates. It should be obvious to anyone who plays this game enough to want to play with a herald like this ;’D And card space is precious.

Instead you can move this text there:

If the dimensional symbol of a non-dual gate is shown during monster movement, trigger its effect on the following list:

[is the numbering really necessary? It’s just taking up space, in my opinion, the bold text at the beginning of each line should serve as an indicator as to where the separate gate information is]

The Beyond One

1 Devouring Gate: the First player rolls a die and is Cursed and drawn through the nearest gate on a failure.
2 Gate of Doom: the First player rolls a die and removes an Elder Sign from play on a 1-2 (if this can’t be done, add a Doom token to the Doom track).
3 Endless Gate: the First player rolls a die, and each investigator must discard a monster trophy on a failure or the Terror level rises by 2.
4 Monstrous Gate: a monster surge occurs at that gate before monsters move. Then the monster limit is removed until enough monsters are removed from the board that their numbers are at or below the normal monster limit. [do you intend for this to completely remove the monster limit until monsters are gotten back under control, or just during this one surge? Because it would have to be worded differently in the other case]
5 Gate of Blood: [same text].
6 Gate of Madness: [same text].
7 Moving Gate: all monsters in play move on black as normal black bordered monsters then the gate moves as normal. [it doesn’t make sense to me that you wouldn’t just keep the normal movement rules for the gate, it’s easier to state, takes up less space, but if you have a reason for it I’m not thinking of, let me know].

The Narrow Path [Or Narrow Paths? Or Narrowing Paths?]

When a gate would move, investigators in the first area of its Other World lose 1 Stamina, and investigators in the second area lose 1 Sanity for open gate to their Other World.

When investigators in Other Worlds [this excludes LITAS] would return to Arkham, roll a die. They are Lost in Time and Space on a 1.

Avi, as usual, thanks for the precious rewording.

Gates: yeah, it should be obvious, but I'd keep that text so everyone reading the Herald can immediately look at the required expansion.

Not so sure why dual gates are excluded from movement. I'm perfectly comfortable with half of the gate moving.

Narrowing paths is definitely better that my original idea. Gonna keep it.

Monster limit: it's worded according to the wording you suggested me for the R'lyeh awakens Herald. It's the easiest way to handle this situation (since while playing with Lurker Mythos you can have 3 gates surging at the same time)

Movement of the moving gate: yeah, my intention was keeping the normal moving gates movement, so your wording is perfect

I'll update this probably later on, today

very cool herald. It looks very tough though. Did you test it ?

amikezor said:

very cool herald. It looks very tough though. Did you test it ?

Hi Amikezor :-)

thank you for the feedback. Yeah, I tested an embryo version twice. It was a little umbalanced under certain aspects, I hope this version would fix the problems I had.

Ok, I fixed the wording on the Herald, according to Avi's and Veet's suggestions:


Hopefully Photobucket will refresh soon the image linked

Julia said:

Avi, as usual, thanks for the precious rewording.

Gates: yeah, it should be obvious, but I'd keep that text so everyone reading the Herald can immediately look at the required expansion.

Not so sure why dual gates are excluded from movement. I'm perfectly comfortable with half of the gate moving.

Narrowing paths is definitely better that my original idea. Gonna keep it.

Monster limit: it's worded according to the wording you suggested me for the R'lyeh awakens Herald. It's the easiest way to handle this situation (since while playing with Lurker Mythos you can have 3 gates surging at the same time)

Movement of the moving gate: yeah, my intention was keeping the normal moving gates movement, so your wording is perfect

I'll update this probably later on, today

? How would the dual gates move?

Avi_dreader said:

? How would the dual gates move?

I think the main point is activating the dimensional symbol on a gate marker, so a split gate has two symbols and yeah ::facepalm:: got it, there is no special icon on those gates... so I'd say they influence only investigators in OWs as per narrowing paths. Not so sure it's clear as it's worded now ::noobish error in herald design::


Julia said:

Avi_dreader said:

? How would the dual gates move?

I think the main point is activating the dimensional symbol on a gate marker, so a split gate has two symbols and yeah ::facepalm:: got it, there is no special icon on those gates... so I'd say they influence only investigators in OWs as per narrowing paths. Not so sure it's clear as it's worded now ::noobish error in herald design::


Avi_dreader said:

Julia said:

Avi_dreader said:

? How would the dual gates move?

I think the main point is activating the dimensional symbol on a gate marker, so a split gate has two symbols and yeah ::facepalm:: got it, there is no special icon on those gates... so I'd say they influence only investigators in OWs as per narrowing paths. Not so sure it's clear as it's worded now ::noobish error in herald design::


Oh, you mean you want them to activate on investigators inside them? Um. Let me think about that later when I have a bit more free time.

Yeah, this is the point. No rush, and thanks for thinking about it!


I can't remember, did we resolve that question over email? Oh yeah, I think we did. But if I'm wrong. Let me know. I'm too tired to try and decipher the last few messages.

Well... Looks like I finally made an exclusive Yog-Sothoth herald (although I always thought of Kerathimel as my Yog-Sothoth herald). It's more of a Lurker fix herald though. I didn't intend for this to be primarily played with Yog, but if it is, well, that's a bit of a bonus.

Aaaand... I just realized there's a typo in the third Yog-Sothoth (missing -) let me know if there's anything else wrong with this. I hate reposting ;')

@Julia Looks like I managed just fine without that gate pic ;'D


Avi_dreader said:


I can't remember, did we resolve that question over email? Oh yeah, I think we did. But if I'm wrong. Let me know. I'm too tired to try and decipher the last few messages.

Nope, we never solved this issue! But no rush, you have more or less one month to find the solution (even if I'd go with this version.. no special effect is indicated for dual gates, and since nothing was written about their movement, it should be quite clear that the only harm from them is for investigators exploring the OW they lead to)

I'm glad your Yoggie Herald is done! And glad you used the reduction for max stats :-P+

Just a couple of notes... why "child fo Yog"? Isn't it better "Spawn" or something similar?

Julia said:

I'm glad your Yoggie Herald is done! And glad you used the reduction for max stats :-P+

Just a couple of notes... why "child fo Yog"? Isn't it better "Spawn" or something similar?

I probably spent more time on that adjective than any other part of the herald ;') I might change it in the future. Thesaurus, I consult thee!


Hrm... An interesting game idea, your new gate herald with my new gate herald, Lurker, Kerathimel, and Yog. Cumulative effects :'D (Of course if it were played with Kerathimel, your gates wouldn't activate their movement until an investigator went through them). Still, would be interesting.

nice herald Avi. It makes final battle very tough, as if it was not enough for some AO :-).

picture is great too.