Julia said:
SlyMcNasty said:
As far as symbol frequency, I would have to take Julia's word for it, but in my experience Star seems to occur much less frequently than circle and square.
Give a look at the whole deck you're using. Monsters movement is pretty well balanced. I checked for you the Dark Pharoah expansion: 18 cards, all 6 combinations appear exactly 3 times each. And it's the same for every expansion. Otherwise the game's wouldn't be that well balanced (some Rifts in Kingsport would be by far less scary, in example). Sometimes it happens to have a series of movements happening always following the same pattern, or an Enviroment lasting for the whole game. It's just a question of fate. But indeed, all monsters have the very same chance to move.
Same as Julia wrote, only 3 patterns exists: [plus vs. moon], [star, triangle, antislash vs. hexagon] and [square, diamond vs circle]. They can be reverted in colors and the 6 sub-patterns are ALWAYS in equal frequency (easy to convince yourself :-). Very important point while designing custom material :-)