Custom Heralds

By dkw, in Fan Creations

Yes the entirety of Crawling Chaos is meant to be Nyarly only. As for the upkeep draw in final combat I actually had overlooked the fact that you might have two pools to draw from, I'll say from the herald because as written any masks drawn from the cup would eventually get filtered to the herald when defeated increasing that pool and diminishing the masks in the cup.

Penalizing clues is a good idea as it plays specifically to nyarlys attack. Though if it were all clues then only a single loss to a mask in final combat devours all the investigators.

Forum ate my response :'/ basically I didn't think of what you said, and I hope you don't make the penalty one clue (that'd be too low). It'd need to be phrased so that it's clear that it triggers for final battle knock outs resulting in devourings.

If Nyarlathotep is the Ancient One:

Mask monsters not on this herald are placed in the cup.

When an investigator is devoured by a Mask, all other investigators lose two clue tokens.

Each upkeep in Final Combat, the first player must draw a random Mask from this sheet and defeat and evade it (returning it to this sheet afterward). Defeat to this mask counts as a Mask devouring.

How about something like that?

I made a couple minor changes to the last paragraph.

Each upkeep in Final Combat, the first player must draw a random Mask from this sheet and defeat or evade it (returning it to this sheet afterward). Losing to this Mask counts as a Mask devouring.

Or ::facepalm:: yeah, that sounds better.

OK Looks like the updates finally took. Also did some minor streamlining to the first paragraph.

Veet said:

OK Looks like the updates finally took. Also did some minor streamlining to the first paragraph.

I don't see the changes.

Give it a bit, you know how photobucket works....or just check it directly in my account.

Veet said:

Give it a bit, you know how photobucket works....or just check it directly in my account.

Okay, so I typed up some abriged text for the card (except for Crawling Chaos). I'm a bit concerned about the final battle ability. I think it's mostly toothless. Unless you're fighting Skinless One or Wailing Writher, it's just going to be too easy to evade your way out of combat (particularly against God of the Bloody Tongue, The Beast, and Shadowy Figure). So :') I thought of two alternatives. First, you could say "all masks gain an extra -2 awareness" during final combat. That's the basic fix. But I thought of something that might be cooler (and more thematic). Instead of making successful evades cost free, you could make not defeating a monster cost three clue tokens (i.e. defeat the monster or lose 3 clues, a potentially fatal consequence against Nyarlathotep).

So, something like, "In Final Combat, each upkeep the first player must fight or evade a random Mask from this sheet. Being driven insane or knocked unconscious by it is treated as a Mask devouring. If it is evaded, lose three Clue tokens."

[i expanded the wording with "losing," because I'm not really sure if that's official terminology, I think it isn't and worry that a reader unfamiliar with the card's design intentions might think it applies to individual combat checks or who knows what].

As for the rest of the card one thing I thought was important to fix was making it so that Masks in play are Spawn, because otherwise it's technically illegal for them to be in the cup when Nyarlathotep is The Ancient One (it avoids rules contradictions this way):


Start of Game: Place 5 randomly selected Mask monsters on this sheet. Randomly place one of these on the first open gate.

Endless Faces

Masks in play are Spawn monsters. When one is defeated, return it to this sheet, then draw mythos cards until a location is shown, and place a random Mask from here there.

Place an additional Mask on the board using the same method whenever a row of the doom track is filled.

Dweller in the Dark is one of several Avatars of Nyarlathotep, multiple Avatars may be used with cumulative effects.


Mmm... It also says Mask monster again in the Crawling Chaos text. Basically my feeling towards that phrase is it should be used once in a herald's design, but after that shortened to Mask, since there's almost no likelihood of the reader not knowing what you're talking about (not that there was anyway).

How about bumping the evasion bit up into the endless faces and just making it cost clues to evade masks period? That would take away the good side of the Black Man even, perhaps something like...

"It costs a number of clues equal to the masks on the board to evade a mask." On average you would be paying 3 clues in final combat then and the potental for more if Nyarly is the ancient one.

Veet said:

How about bumping the evasion bit up into the endless faces and just making it cost clues to evade masks period? That would take away the good side of the Black Man even, perhaps something like...

"It costs a number of clues equal to the masks on the board to evade a mask." On average you would be paying 3 clues in final combat then and the potental for more if Nyarly is the ancient one.

Why would it take away the good side of The Black Man?

But yeah, making mask evasion cost something would be good (it'd make the masks in the street *much* more problematic). You could just set it at a fixed amount the entire game 2 clues are lost per evasion or something). How would that work against Shadowy Figure? Would it force an investigator to pay clues to fight him? That'd actually be rather interesting (and somewhat thematically appropriate).

You'd want to change the text to something more along the lines of "Evading a mask causes an investigator to lose clues equal to the number of masks on the board).

Which reminds me... If there are three masks from the herald on the board, that means there will only be two for random selection in the Nyarlathotep fight... So you might want to have some mechanic that places them all on the herald at the start of battle. Although... That might make a full game fixed price work more easily.

OK lets try this for size.


It may take a while for photo bucket to update it of course.

I don't have time to read this properly now, but just from the first bit, making evasion *cost* 2 clue tokens will make it so that investigators without 2 clue tokens can't evade, whereas making not be a cost but result in a loss would allow investigators without clues to try evading. I think I'll playtest this in a week or two if I can talk a friend into playing it with me.

Errr, so do you want it to be a cost or a loss?

Oh yes deffinately a loss, will change that tonight.

Hi everybody!

my first try with some custom material :.smiling:: my idea was to create a Herald useful in games with all the boards / expansions, in order to grant some action even in place still untouched by the nefarious activities of the Mythos.


All comments are welcome, of course!

Am I the only one not able to see the picture? Not so sure about my skill with the image editor...

hummmm.... I cannot see the picture ;o)

amikezor said:

hummmm.... I cannot see the picture ;o)

Thx Amikezor, I thought I could have done some mess. Could you (or anyone else) kindly explain me how can I insert pictures in the message? I used the "insert / modify image" button and then pasted in the right (I hope) place the photobucket link where I published the Herald...

Any help is really appreciated...

Julia said:

amikezor said:

hummmm.... I cannot see the picture ;o)

Thx Amikezor, I thought I could have done some mess. Could you (or anyone else) kindly explain me how can I pictures in the message? I used the "/ modify image" button and then pasted in the right (I hope) place the photobucket link where I published the Herald...

Any help is really appreciated...

I'd copy the link from your photobucket account, click on "insert/edit image" then paste it into the URL section, click on the gibberish text, then hit okay. It should work. What's the link to your photobucket in the meanwhile?

@ Veet

Correcting text

"Masks in play are Spawn monsters. Lose 2 clue tokens when you evade one."

That should work, and it's basically the same size.

Julia: here is your herald


Avi_dreader said:

I'd copy the link from your photobucket account, click on "insert/edit image" then paste it into the URL section, click on the gibberish text, then hit okay. It should work. What's the link to your photobucket in the meanwhile?

It's more or less what I did. Let's try again: here is the direct link for the Herald album.

And here the image:


tell me this time it worked...

I like the picture. This sounds nice but only becomes a full threat when you play several expansions at the same time, right ? maybe you could be less specific and trigger the track/rift from the expansion in play whatever it is...

amikezor said:

Julia: here is your herald


amikezor said:

Julia: here is your herald

Thank you so much! That's great :-) and a great mistery. Need a video tutorial ::shock::