Carefree Yay or Nay

By dragoku, in UFS General Discussion

Alright for years i've been saying they need to make a blank foundation completely made to be an easy extra foundation and a good check. So i was excited when carefree came out but then i realized.... its quite terrible. There are better foundations everywhere. i wish that they made carefree better. i wouldn't mind it if it was 0 diff or a 6 check or even a +0 block, but the entirety of this card is mediocre. it will probably not find a place in many decks just because it doesn't do anything.

i just wanted to know what the general consensus is on this card.

keep it nice


Its design limits design capacity in the future. Now there can be NO foundation 1/5 +1mid foundations with abilities. They just drew the line in the sand until Gencon 2011, saying, "this is as good as a foundation gets. 1/5 +1mid is the standard by which all foundations shall now be judged".

Sure, when cards have text on them, that's another issue entirely. You can argue "well sometimes this'll be good sometimes it won't."

I mean what do you make, now, that's comperable to it? a 1/5 with a +0low? A 0/6 with a +2mid? a 1/4 with a +0 mid?

... yeah.

Life Taki would not mind using it. She will be facing blank cards anyway, so why not buff her checks a bit. Beats running 4 checks that wind up blank anyway. But yes, it is really a fodder card, and one that your opponent does not even have to think about.


its not THAT bad...i can see it fitting into water decks.

I would play it, just because people say its garbage

I'd play it for it is rarely a dead card. It's going to be the first thing you commit to pass a check or on a Stun, it's a great block AND it ends a nice spam string easy.

Homme Chapeau said:

I'd play it for it is rarely a dead card. It's going to be the first thing you commit to pass a check or on a Stun, it's a great block AND it ends a nice spam string easy.

This, and now there are costs of Destroy a Foundation (i'm looking at you Mitsu), and this would easily be the one to go.

Great card for what it is. And, no, i don't think FFG has now set the standard by which other Foundations get printed.

RockStar said:

Homme Chapeau said:

I'd play it for it is rarely a dead card. It's going to be the first thing you commit to pass a check or on a Stun, it's a great block AND it ends a nice spam string easy.

This, and now there are costs of Destroy a Foundation (i'm looking at you Mitsu), and this would easily be the one to go.

Great card for what it is. And, no, i don't think FFG has now set the standard by which other Foundations get printed.


I'm already running the card. Good block is good block!

So let me get this straight.

A foundation that can act as a cost for things like Stand Off or the effect of a Stun, is spammable to high hell being one of the few 1 diffs out there, has a 5 check which is the optimal check for a foundation (f*** 6-check foundations), AND has a +1M block which isn't just excellent for a foundation, but it's also one of the best blocks in the game.

I'd be hard pressed to NOT run it.

Tinman said:

Life Taki would not mind using it. She will be facing blank cards anyway, so why not buff her checks a bit. Beats running 4 checks that wind up blank anyway. But yes, it is really a fodder card, and one that your opponent does not even have to think about.


I think that depends on what kind of Taki you run. Either you wants lots of spam-foundations, or you want lots of good foundations (only one per turn gets blanked anyway, and only if you want it).