Question Again

By FiendishDevil, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

First off, I think its lame how you cannot edit your old posts after a certain time. I tried to edit an old thread to save thread space, but alas, didnt work.

Question 1: Dwarf Cannon Crew puts into play a support card of cost 2 or less. Is this cost the PRINTED COST or the TOTAL COST (including loyalty). I voted PRINTED COST. Question was answered before, but I can't find it.

Question 2: From the turn sequence listed on the rules page, there seems to be no way to play ACTIONS on YOUR TURN before your Kingdom Phase begins. Or vice versa, playing ACTIONS on ENEMY TURN before the Kingdom Phase. True?

Question 3: Tyriel High Elf Hero appears to work even when she does not participate in the battle. "Forced: Whenever an opponent attacks this zone, he must return one of his attacking units to its owner's hand at the end of the turn." True?

Question 4: When you "Rip Dere Heads Off" a development into a unit, for all intents and purposes, that unit "enters play" at that moment correct? Or were they still "in play" already as a development? This question is to clarify unit abilities that trigger when they "enter play" -- Dwarf Cannon Crew, Grimgor Orc Destroyer, etc.

First off, I think its lame how you cannot edit your old posts after a certain time. I tried to edit an old thread to save thread space, but alas, didnt work.

Me too.

Question 1: Dwarf Cannon Crew puts into play a support card of cost 2 or less. Is this cost the PRINTED COST or the TOTAL COST (including loyalty). I voted PRINTED COST .

Total cost, but remember how the rulebook defines cost -

Page 11 , "A card’s cost is determined by adding the card’s
printed cost (the numerical value in the upper left
hand corner of the card) and its loyalty cost (the number
of loyalty icons under the printed cost minus the
number of matching race symbols the player controls
in play)."

Question 2: From the turn sequence listed on the rules page, there seems to be no way to play ACTIONS on YOUR TURN before your Kingdom Phase begins. Or vice versa, playing ACTIONS on ENEMY TURN before the Kingdom Phase.

True. The Kingdom Phase is the start of a players turn and nothing can happen before a player's turn tarts that wasn't accomplished before the end of the last player's turn.

Question 3: Tyriel High Elf Hero appears to work even when she does not participate in the battle. "Forced: Whenever an opponent attacks this zone, he must return one of his attacking units to its owner's hand at the end of the turn."

True. If Tyriel was required to participate it would say so in the effect.

Question 4: When you "Rip Dere Heads Off" a development into a unit, for all intents and purposes, that unit "enters play" at that moment correct? Or were they still "in play" already as a development?

We have no official ruling on this yet, but I would lean towards no, an ability that activates when the card comes into play does not activate when flipped as a development. The card itself is already in play, just not as the unit. Now an argument could be made that if the card is self referential that the development was never the unit itself and this is the first time the unit is in play. Has anyone sent this to Nate yet?

dormouse said:

Has anyone sent this to Nate yet?

Yes, along with a couple others; waiting for a response. I'm guessing it'll be after Thanksgiving.


is there an offiicial definition of "comes into play"? I actually assumed that using rip der heads off triggered those "comes into play" abilities.... specially useful with grimgore ironhide. Of course, I could be wrong, but that would really affect gameplay. I can see the arguement going both ways, so i guess ill just wait for the ....


mateooo said:

is there an offiicial definition of "comes into play"? I actually assumed that using rip der heads off triggered those "comes into play" abilities.... specially useful with grimgore ironhide. Of course, I could be wrong, but that would really affect gameplay. I can see the arguement going both ways, so i guess ill just wait for the ....


Yeah, I assumed this too, but I remember seeing in some topic that nate had answered that Rip does not make units "come into play". I'm glad it doesn't, orcs are already too overpowered :) and it would really make Rip too powerful ability.

Comes into play is defined but not in a fashion that would make the ruling obvious one way or another. Put into play, played, and comes into play are all minor variations but none explicitly deal with this issue, since the ruling is going to need to be based on whether it is the unit coming into play that activates, the card coming into play that activates, or something entirely different.

dormouse said:

Question 2: From the turn sequence listed on the rules page, there seems to be no way to play ACTIONS on YOUR TURN before your Kingdom Phase begins. Or vice versa, playing ACTIONS on ENEMY TURN before the Kingdom Phase.

True. The Kingdom Phase is the start of a players turn and nothing can happen before a player's turn tarts that wasn't accomplished before the end of the last player's turn.

Does this still hold true in light of the wording of ABANDONED MINE?

The test says " Kingdom. Action: At the beginning of your turn, you may return one of your developments to its owner's hand."

This would seem to suggest that there is some period of time after the beginning of your turn but before Kingdom phase starts in which you can play actions or address other effects.

I think that ability should be a Forced one. There's a "may" in the text so there's no problem if the controller doesn't want to return a development to it's owner's hand.

Interesting. Didn't think about Abandoned Mine using ACTIONS before Kingdom Phase...

I did not read ABANDONED MINE carefully when I first open my booster and assumed it was a FORCED effect. I was surprised when I went back and saw it was an ACTION. The follow-up thorny question is, if it is an action and if there is an Action Window prior to the Kingdom Phase then it would appear you could use that action multiple times to pick up multiple developments.

I don't have my rulebook handy but all the action points in the game are clearly spelled out in the turn sequence are they not? Is there one prior to the Kingdom phase? If it isn't in the turn summary then I would assume that there isn't one

RexGator said:

I did not read ABANDONED MINE carefully when I first open my booster and assumed it was a FORCED effect. I was surprised when I went back and saw it was an ACTION. The follow-up thorny question is, if it is an action and if there is an Action Window prior to the Kingdom Phase then it would appear you could use that action multiple times to pick up multiple developments.

it says you can return ONE deployment. so you can use it once a turn

mateooo said:

it says you can return ONE deployment. so you can use it once a turn

Thats not the same thing.

If an action for example says "pay 3 resources to corrupt ONE target unit" then you can use the action more than once.

Of course you can only corrupt ONE unit PER USE. But you are allowed to use an action more than once if the action not says otherwise. So it would be possible to corrupt more than one unit with that card even when the text states ONE unit.

For your example the correct text would be: "Use only once per turn".

I'm not saying that you can use the card in question in this thread more than once. I just wanted to point out, that the reason you gave is not correct.

I cant see the card, so im not sure. you may be right.

The card does not explicitly state or imply the creation of a new action window. This means it must be played in a pre-existing and legal action window and the effect does not resolve until the beginning of your turn. That is how the card should be played now. All things into consideration though I'd suggest sending this question to Nate. There are two easy erratas that could also answer this question...

1) That there is supposed to be an action window at the beginning of the Kingdom Phase and the turn sequence in the rules is incorrect.


2) This is an artifact, a misprint left over from an early edition of the card that was changed during development and testing but the version sent to the printers and translators contained a typo.

Because the card does not say it creates a new action window it does not create a "Golden Rule" situation, but instead creates an effect that has yet to fully resolve. In their other LCG games they refer to this as a lasting effect. Even without this spelled out explicitly in the rules, we do know when we may take actions and this card does not empower us to take an action at a different time, it simply pushes the resolution further than any card we've seen so far.


Do you think we can trigger the action multiple times during a legal action window so that we pick up multiple developments at the beginning of our turn?

If there isn't a window for actions at the beginning of the turn, can the card be activated at all? By the time you have an action window, it's no longer the beginning of your turn, and you can't meet the requirements to use the action. Allowing this card to activate during the first action window would imply that any "beginning of your turn" ability could be deferred to that point, letting it happen after resource gain, un-corrupting, etc. That could have a rather dramatic impact on some abilities.

Since it is not a Forced action nor is it limited in some fashion in the card text, you should be able to trigger it as often as you'd like.

I don't disagree with any of your concerns.

The formatting on the cards according to what I've read in the rules and what I've seen on the other cards would put us in a situation where there are two reasonably valid ways of interpreting the cards (I need to go through the rules and existing cards again before I'm comfortable actually endorsing one of these over the other)...

1) That the action can be played in any legal window, the resolves and the effect "hangs" until the beginning of your next turn.

2) That because of the way it is printed the card cannot be legally played as written and requires an errata.

I would suggest someone (or better yet, everyone) send the question to Nate.