Newbie character creation questions

By mikelosaurus2, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Apologies in advance if I'm asking questions that other people have asked already. Apologies in advance also if I'm just being thick or I missed reading something correctly.

1) In the Skills section the rulebook explains that PCs can use basic skills even if they have not been trained in them. I should take this to mean that for all the skills listed as basic in the list on p75, the relevant 'basic' boxes should be automatically ticked on every starting character sheet?

2) If a player's course through the Origin Path causes that player to pick up a skill for the first time which is listed on p75 as a basic skill, should that player tick the 'basic' box, or the 'trained' box when acquiring that skill?

3a) In the chapter on Career Paths, every entry has a list of starting skills and talents. Presumably every starting character should acquire each and every one of these skills and talents? Assuming this is the case, why are the same skills and talents also listed for purchase in the Rank 1 advances list?

E.g. Rogue Traders are supposed to start with the Air of Authority talent, but Air of Authority is also listed as a Rank 1 advance? And there is no indication in the Talents section that there is any effect for purchasing the same talent more than once?

3b) If the player has already acquired one of the career path's starting skills during their course through the Origin Path, then presumably the player may tick the next box of the same skill? E.g. if the skill is already ticked at 'basic' then it becomes 'trained'?

3c) And if that starting skill is listed as basic already on p75, then does a double assignment of the skill during character creation lead to three ticked boxes, for a +10% bonus?

4) If you already have a skill at Trained level, does this prevent you from purchasing further advancements of this skill?

E.g. If I make a Rogue Trader and end up with Charm 'basic' and 'trained' ticked already, am I or am I not allowed to buy further advances in this skill with my spare XP during character creation?

mikelosaurus said:

Apologies in advance if I'm asking questions that other people have asked already. Apologies in advance also if I'm just being thick or I missed reading something correctly.

1) In the Skills section the rulebook explains that PCs can use basic skills even if they have not been trained in them. I should take this to mean that for all the skills listed as basic in the list on p75, the relevant 'basic' boxes should be automatically ticked on every starting character sheet?

For the most part yes. There might be an occasion where a skill should be removed from basic skills durring the orign path part of character creation. Also you add more basic skill durring your origin path. this is not the samed things as gaining trained in them.

2) If a player's course through the Origin Path causes that player to pick up a skill for the first time which is listed on p75 as a basic skill, should that player tick the 'basic' box, or the 'trained' box when acquiring that skill?

If it says they are trained in the skill then mark the trained box. But if it says it is a basic skill for them it is still just a basic skill. There seems to be a lot of redudancy in character creation.

3a) In the chapter on Career Paths, every entry has a list of starting skills and talents. Presumably every starting character should acquire each and every one of these skills and talents? Assuming this is the case, why are the same skills and talents also listed for purchase in the Rank 1 advances list?

E.g. Rogue Traders are supposed to start with the Air of Authority talent, but Air of Authority is also listed as a Rank 1 advance? And there is no indication in the Talents section that there is any effect for purchasing the same talent more than once?

I think you already have the skill trained so you don't need to buy it again. And you cannot simply buy the skill again the to get a bonus. I do not know why they put the skill and tallents on the lists for you to buy. At least the cost section shouldn't have a price listed. I think it might have to do with making the skill a career skill or something. I have spent many an hour reading through the book trying to get some answers and there aren't any I can find.

3b) If the player has already acquired one of the career path's starting skills during their course through the Origin Path, then presumably the player may tick the next box of the same skill? E.g. if the skill is already ticked at 'basic' then it becomes 'trained'?

I think that is right, but only for origin path aquired skills.

3c) And if that starting skill is listed as basic already on p75, then does a double assignment of the skill during character creation lead to three ticked boxes, for a +10% bonus?

No. If you look at the latter ranks you see skills with a +10 after them. These are what you have to buy to get the +10 box checked.

4) If you already have a skill at Trained level, does this prevent you from purchasing further advancements of this skill?

E.g. If I make a Rogue Trader and end up with Charm 'basic' and 'trained' ticked already, am I or am I not allowed to buy further advances in this skill with my spare XP during character creation?

I am not sure what you mean here.

Thanks for your responses.

In regards to the last question I think you kinda covered it in your response to the third question.

If after completing the Origin Path as a Rogue Trader during character creation I am already 'trained' in the Charm skill, it follows that since I am not eligable for the +10% tick box, I cannot spend any XP on this skill at this time?

Assuming this is the case, then the presence of the Charm skill in the Rank 1 advance list is yet another redundant entry in the book, because I can't buy it (because I have it already)?

It's there for redundancy because future supplements might change starting skills, and they have the normal starting skills in there so that you are guaranteed to be able to get the rest of the skills in your career path.

Remember, RT characters technically start with 5,000xp, of which 4,500 has already been spent on things like Air of Authourity. The skills are listed twice so if you use a class variant (to be house-ruled or published later) you know how much they cost to acquire.

For example, a GM might allow a variant Arch-Militant who used to be a pirate, so has "Forbidden Lore: Pirates" instead of "Secret Tongue: Military". These are both worth 100xp, so the kit is balanced and if the character should later decide to pick up Secret Tongue, it will cost 100xp.

As for picking up skills on the origin path, I believe you get to add 10% if it's one you acquire again at character creation. This is the equivilant of getting the "Skill Name +10" advance a few levels early, and so cannot be taken again when it is unlocked. They'll have to wait for "Skill Name +20" to improve it again.