Astrid discussion

By Mordai, in UFS General Discussion

So, what symbol should we be running her off now? Order suddenly became a bigger competitor with the last set

A few card I think Astrid is going to like off order:
Triple Botta in Tempo: Astrids Damage pump on this and you can basicly end their turn right there. (if it hits)

Together Again: speed at the cost of a check.. Astrid loves that or easier blockmods

Cute Pranktster: Get your sweet dear reversals back *cough weapons cough*

Also she get's some commiting power from sacrifice for the cause and Pavilion that combined with Hope for ones people is pretty sweet

In fire, well she got alot of Mitsurugi's support, but so did every all fire life char out there.. speed.. damage.. more card draw.. you know the usual.

Personally I think order can give her some more flexibility. Atleast if you do not own all of fires powercards, like shadowar, standoff and paid to protect.

forget what it was but there is a card thats combo (weapon) and is a weapon.

Astrid will love it as a reversal.

Been working all day, have to finish up so i can leave....can't might even be triple botta...

I agree that Order really has some potential now, especially because it links some of the weapon tech she has with some of the options Yoshi gives, as well as some of the nice tech that Amy supplies with Block Modifier tech. I will be watching Throne Room and A. Spin closely, because they can seriously alter the power structure of an order deck. Cards like The Ultimate Team and Not Human become very powerful DR very quickly. Block with A Spin, on a +4 due to Throne Room, then reversal with something like Flash Needle. Suddenly, without multiplying, Not Human is a one time -12 DR, even more if you multiple the Flash Needle. And sure, the multiples are not Weapons, but they can still benefit from Ultimate Team or other +damage abilities.

Order will be very powerful, however slower it may be than Fire. In the end, I think that Order will have to have some testing under the belt before it can be as much of an Aggro beast as Fire and Life, outside of Hilde.


Deathcopter attack and mt devil divide

both of these are rediculous in astrid order

you realize mt devil cannot be made unblockable

Yeah. Mt Doom is really only amazing in Yoshi decks. Other than that, it is basically blank.

How about Nimbus, though. Kinda a poor man's Wrath of Odin, off of Order. The only thing it lacks is the Desperation ability, and 1 less speed.

Mt.devil devider is still E your opponent discards 1, or something.. But Deathcopter attack will be better if you can meet the required combo. With Ravens claw that wont be to hard combined with together again :)

Mt. Devil Divide is good cause of the discard enhance. Makes it almost have to be blocked

Deathcopter works well with bad breath

Raven's will still be better for Astrid I think.. since it does have weapon, bad stomach does not.

For instance.. Astrid relies on her ability to play reversals that are weapons, therefore Badstomach would be a dead card for her.. but Raven's claw is easily turned into a killer attack, (if you need it)