Question on Combat and areas

By Nostromo, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hey all,

I am strongly considering getting this but i did have a couple questions before i do so. One of which is:

How 'tactical' can you make combats. For example, i had an adventure i made (back in 1st edition days) where there was a tight quarters type of fight. Meaning party is in a house and as they are leading down a corridor to the cellar steps they get ambushed from behind and then chaos beastmen from the cellar emerge...

In most recent RPG's due to their tactical nature they can handle tables, chairs, swinging from a chandelier...tight quarters in corridors etc. Does this system handle this well.

I think i will like the more abstract nature with these area cards but so far, in the ones that i have seen, they are pretty 'big' areas, like a 'forest glade' or a 'crumbling ruin'...

Is all combat scaled way out like this or can you be more 'zoomed in' to represent tables, chairs, debris, choke points (right corridors and doorways) etc.

Talk to me...much appreciated. Also, i was hoping to go find out by reading the rules but my FLGS does not have the demo copy so i can't seem to get these details, thanks! And specifically how does LoS work...thanks!

Yes, the area cards are abstract, and generally large-ish, as is the movement. The point is more for a cinematic movie/story feel to combat, rather than counting grid squares. Now, this isn't to say that you couldn't implement a grid combat system. You would just need to translate the ranges into grids amounts and such. Otherwise, use your imagination and your player's creativity to narrate the situation. You could also draw a more tactical map, without using grids, and still maintain the 'abstract' feel. So, PC/object positions are more structured in relation, yet there's still a leniency in distance.

So, in a sense WFRP handles tactical maneuvers well. You can do just about anything you can describe and narrate, within reason and the GM's approval. Want to move and grab a candlestick, then toss it on the mummy? Maneuver to Move to the table holding the candlestick, Maneuver(+fatigue point) to grab the candlestick, then Perform a Stunt action to throw the candlestick at the Mummy, hopefully setting it on fire. Tada!

I think since the system is so wide open, it should be easy enough to add the standard 3.5ED&D/2E WFRP combat modifiers. I think if your campaign is going to use a lot of corridor combats, you should come up with a quick, standardized chart.

I think it will be done sooner or later.

Jay H

thanks for the posts....

I was not suggesting that the system needs to be more 3.5/4.0 like i was just wondering how tactical does it get...meaning: do they even handle LOS? It sounds like they handle distances and being engaged in melee but how do you determine if some folks can even 'see' other folks etc.

Does the system handle this sort of thing...

No, that is up to the GM, since the fine points are designed to be narrative. As said, though, you could use a grid. Or, just use a map for fine detail on positioning, but still keep a more fluid flow without actual square counting. In that case, if they positioned their standup behind a wall, then they can't see around the wall, for example, rather than relying on a narrative of "I hide on the other side of the wall"

makes sense...i picked my copy up today...looks beautiful...can't wait to start reading....and the other hard partfinding players :)