Play mat question - will a 2 vs 2 game fit on one map?

By Myles2, in Wings of War

I don't have WOW yet, but am interested in the playmats when I do buy it.

Is one mat - ie East or West - big enough to play a 2 vs 2 dogfight?

Thank you ahead of time for your info.


A single mat should be big enough for a straight dogfight with up to 2 planes on each side, but I wouldn't recommend trying anything much larger than that. You really need both for larger games or Burning Drachens scenarios that use balloons and/or ground units. I'd suggest picking up both mats eventually (or looking at alternatives if that's too costly). The more manoeuvering room you have, even with smaller games, makes for a better game.

Yes. Using smaller or larger mats changes the game rather radically however. We use different size mats (but my are from instead of the official ones, with them can you puzzle together as many as you want for a gigantic map).

Beware that it is more deadly and harder to play on a small mat than on a large, particularly with more than 4 players. But it works fine to buy one of the mats and pick up the other later.

Playing the game with different sized maps really varies the gameplay, particularly with balloons, ground attacks scouting and bombing missions. Just playing the same game with the same planes gets boring after a while, variation is the key to enjoying the game to the maximum. Some kind of campaign rules also adds a lot to the fun (both mine and Hajis can be found in older threads here, or you can make some of your own).

Good luck :)

I think you can easily go up to 4 on 4 on a single mat with WWI....WWII it get a bit tight. Two on Two is very easy on a single mat with either period.

