Starting skills for Initiaes

By Turnip2, in WFRP Rules Questions

Do initiates start with Piety and invocation like the wizards start with chanelling and spellcasting?

Curry Favor and Invocation. Yes they do. No more being unable to cast at first rank, like in v2. Yay for priests! No more being second-class spellcasters!

Good, now any idea where it says that in the books?

p31 of the Tome of Blessings they get the Action Curry Favour, but I believe they buy any skills they need, just like anyone else.

As Monkey said, they buy skills they need. Invocation is a skill for initiates.

You say they have to buy the skills like anyone else but wizards specifiacally get two skills (spellcraft and chanelling) for free (according to the magoc book) which makes them a little unbalanced against priests who also need 2 skills to be effective but dont get them for free form what you and the books say. to make things fair either wizards should pay for thiers or initiates should get their 2 for free as well.

Where did you read that wizards get spellcraft and channeling for free?

I didn't find anything in the books. As I see it, wizards start with the four basic wizard action cards for free, but have to pay for the skills. The same would go for priests, four basic action cards free, but pay for piety and ivocation skills.

BeardFan said:

Where did you read that wizards get spellcraft and channeling for free?

Page 42 Tome of Mysteries

Sorry to interrupt, but acquired doesn't sounds like free to me...

"Acquired" means that the advanced skills are added to the list of basic skills for that character.

Curry and Channel are both action cards that read 'Basic', so, they get those by default (just like 'basic' blessings and 'basic' spells are part of the starting package). But Arcane Casters get Spellcraft (a necessary skill for casting) by default, where as Priests do not get Invocation? This seems like an omission to me. I can't seem to justify it (unless you consider 'non-caster' priests to be an option I suppose).

I guess what's bothering me is that Arcane Casters get the following:

  • Channeling (the Advanced skill they need to attain the power they need to cast)
  • Spellcraft (the Advanced skill they need to actually cast)
  • Basic Spells (3 spells listed as 'basic' available to all casters, I assume, as 'basic' skills are available to other players if they qualify)

Divine casters on the other hand get:

  • Basic Spells

I cannot find in the book where it says they start with:

  • Piety (the Advanced Skill needed to Curry Favor) -or-
  • Invocation (the Advanced skill needed to actually bestow a blessing)

Comparing the two sections, it appears that the 'Training and Advancement' section was omitted from the Tome of Blessings. This is the section where it would state that Divine Casters started with those Advanced Skills. I have a player wanting to play a Warrior Priest. I would also like to wrap up my 'Divine Caster Quick Reference Sheet' and release it to the community.

In the mean time, I'll allow my Warrior Priest to have those skills as part of his start up package, but the Quick Reference sheet will have to be delayed until I can get a ruling from FFG (so I don't mislead people).


Gobbo brought up this question at our group. Acquired means they already have it. They don't have to pay the points at character creation for something they already get. If you had to pay points for it, it would of been stated as such. Until an FAQ comes out, or an official rulling says otherwise run it like they already get it. If they put out an FAQ and change the way we think it works then you can shift around the arcane caster's skills or make his points go towards paying back those skills.

As for the priest book I have not read that yet (I'm only starting to dig into the wizard book.) I tried looking for a section similar to the wizard book in there and found nothing. It seemed odd to me that I got special skills while our priest of Sigmar got left out in the cold. So either they forgot to put it in (which could happen), or they are really making the road to priesthood harder. Rules wise the latter would make perfect sense. Wounds are suppose to be hard to heal. I think our group will be discussing this a bit (personally I feel that if the priest needs them then they shouldn't be penalized by having to buy em).

This being said: I agree with NezziR's statement about waiting to get a ruling from FFG. I wouldn't want to break the game cause I assumed something and my assumption was wrong.