I'm going to be as forthcoming about this as possible. We need negation back. Playing games that's only last till turn 2-3 is just no fun. I've been playing Brian Fury lately, which is good, but I've noticed that any deck that can run stand off (and right now, and deck that can, will) shuts this deck down completely. My friend just finished a really good Zi Mei deck that once again, ONLY RUNS FOUR ATTACKS, guess which attack. I've played against King, grandpa ninja, astrid, kazuya, hata, etc. all of these decks are stapled "Top Tier" only because there is nothing against them with the exception of Rashotep. And he can't even handle it all on his own.
Bring back negeation can be very easy without making it annoying like in blocks 2 and 3. Making action cards that are rares and that have a good symbol spread (meaning, give the cards symbols that actually need something to be playable) is a very simple answer to a problem that is persisting in the format right now.
I know most of you, ecspecially those of you that were extremely excited about the early rotation, will think that I'm just trying to bring back something that caused the early rotation to begin with. In actuality, I'm trying to fix what was wrong with it in the first place. Making negation action cards with bring some control to the game without people sitting behind a "WALL OF NO" in the staging area.
And please, I do want to know what you think about this, but I really don't want to be bombed by people just trying to start fights. Critizism is fine, badmouthing........not so much. Thank you for your time, and I'm sorry if some of this makes no sense, when I start typing, I think faster than I type.