Hello there
In germany the brood war expansion now is out in translated version and i guess most of the rules und game stuff is same as in original english brood war expansion. So after six games we can say definitely one thing about the six new planets with their air-only areas and included conquest points: The protoss HAS NO CHANCE against terran and zerg armies in this areas quipped with queens and research vessels. The protoss only has the arbiter with weak defense technologies which can`t challenge the techs for the air assisst units queen and research ship. Not enough, the terran and zerg player with their strong air assists has also got good chances to do air splash damage while protoss can`t do. As there are a lot of new conquest point areas which only can be controlled in the air, the protoss are very bad choice for playing. To this i have to say that we got the "luck" of drawing at least 2 of the new planets and erebus was nearly four times in play (most sucking planet at all).
tired of this unbalanced crap we decide to play the new planets in another dramatical changed way: The new areas are used as "normal" areas like all the areas on the planets of the base game with one exception: The air-only areas give the air units +1 attack and +1 health to thair base combat card values, while on only ground areas ground units gain the same bonus. This was the only way to give the protoss their assist units templar and dark archon back. Cause in this way the protoss has now again even the chance to make air splash damage and get this really annoying research ships killed.
Now after this experience and changes i would like to know if there are more players who think the same way and if this changes could be sensefull or do you have another rule changes to get the old starcraft feeling back.