Planets Glossary

By glyph21, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Can I just say this man, you are a freaking Saint. This entire thread is nothing but win and I applaud you for it.

Emperor bless you Sir!

+1. Even though my DH campaign is too far along to make much use of it now, it's still a fantastic read and provides a lot of great inspiration for future gaming.

+2. While I can point some contradictions with official materials (as I understand, author did not use The Lathe Worlds & The Lost Dataslate) this titanic amount of perfect work deserves only the highest degree of admiration.


Classification: Forbidden World

Planetary Governor : N/A

Adeptus Presence : N/A

Principal Exports : N/A

Principal Imports : N/A

Military :

Geography : Soprony is a Night World, far out in the icy cold in-between star systems. The world of Soprony was flung out from its parent solar system millions of years ago and is presently a barren, frozen rock uninhabited by any conventionally living lifeforms. The planet of Soprony is home to several metallic cities of an obviously xenos design, connected by raised roadways and magnetic transport lines. Soprony has no atmosphere and does not need one. Reports suggest the interior of Soprony is hollowed-out into large complexes of caverns and tunnels. Soprony is typically thought to be located between the Malice and Hesiod's Wake star systems, but seems to frequently "move" position, or to at least be generallt very difficult to find. Soprony seemingly has no orbital defences of any kind.

History : Soprony has long been held to be a completely legendary planet, the Metal World of the Hazeroth Abyss. Voidfarers who have stumbled upon Soprony and landed have reported it to be home to unbelievably complex and advanced examples of xenos technology, the like of which was only known to humans in the golden age of humanity. The cities of Soprony are shaped from clean, shining metallic sheets, as are its plants, waters, and even animals, tiny dirt-eating mites or large multi-segmented earth-movers. The roadways of Soprony are populated by automatically moving grids of vehicles and the surrounds are infused with nano-robotic organisms. Voidfarers who land have never reported anything resembling "sapient" lifeforms as humans would recognise, only innumerable machine castes. Humans can walk the streets of the cities unharmed, but when damage has been done to a machine or building, the whole party is invariably slaughtered within minutes by the suddenly hostile cyborg organisms. For various reasons explorers have tried to reach the Metal World: the Ordo Xenos wish to study it; Rogue Traders wish to find some way to exploit it; the Adeptus Mechanicus wishes to expunge it as the vilest heresy. Nothing has been ever uncovered about the Metal World: only two reports have ever been made of visits to this world over several thousand years, in addition to a dozen less substantiated reports. Soprony remains extremely difficult to locate; irregardless, the world was declared Forbidden long ago, to minimise the risk of any alien taint.

Present : Even within the Inquisition the Metal World is regarded as a voidfarer's tall tale, or at least as unimportant compared to the trials facing the Calixis Sector. Those who take an interest believe that the world was inhabited by a xenos race who converted themselves into a machine consciousness and have since retreated from the mortal world. Others raise bizarre theories about an offshoot human culture that devolved to a machine state, as is reputed to have occurred on the world of Amun'an Morrus, or that all life on the world evolved along lines based around inorganic rather than organic patterns. Either way, thousands of years have passed without report of the world. Recently, interest has been piqued from a decoded signal picked up by the Omnicron 71-DX listening station in the Adrantis Sub Sector, strange chatter in the cipher speech of the Dark Mechanicus, indicating a ship passing through the unpatrolled south-eastern fringes of the nebula towards Hazeroth. The cipher speech of the Dark Mechanicus is mostly unknown, but it was clear a series of coordinates were being transmitted, sent to an unknown location somewhere in-between the star systems of Hesiod's Wake and Malice, right where Soprony is said to be found. What the chaos-worshipping heretics would want on this world is unknown, but surely could be towards a sinister and unfortunate purpose for the surrounding worlds, if not the whole sector.


Classification : War World

Planetary Governor : N/A

Adeptus Presence : N/A

Principal Exports : N/A

Principal Imports : N/A

Military : Various necrophagic cults

Geography : Malice is the moon of a large unnamed Gas Giant in orbit around Miriad, a triple star system littered with the ruins of planets that cracked apart under gravitational pressures. Malice is an extremely stifling and noxious world, hot and poisonous in both its land, seas, and atmosphere. Malice is a blasted brown wasteland where only a few extremely hardy plants and animals can flourish. The world has large acid-laden oceans and deserts continuously swept by winds carrying radioactive dust. It is never truly night on Malice, as the world is constantly lit by the sticky white light of the Gas Giant and the three dull blue points of Miriad A, B, and C. Some of Malice's more developed lifeforms include weird flat pseudo-molluscs that bask in the boiling waters around geothermal surface vents, scrowns, wild dog-like beasts descended from Terran colony stock, and the Malice condor, an enormous condor that roost in their hundreds in the Pillars of the Sky mountains and raid and carry off unfortunate humans for food. Tunnels and caverns below Malice are said to be home to strange lifeforms, some perfectly preserved from the colonising days. The areas around what was formerly territory under the sway of the Bloodmind is still hued a fleshy, putrid red, plants fit to bursting with blood-coloured sap, and flies and insects carrying their distended, bloated plasma-sacs along behind them, dragging in the air. Malice's great battlefields are marked by churned up ground littered with the rusting remains of weapons and armour, the bronze glinting in the dull sun. Many settlements on Malice have been evacuated or destroyed in the war; the majority of the population now dwell in rough camps high up in the hills, whilst the lower plains and valleys are home to wandering tribes of blood-frenzied warriors.

History : The conclusion of the Angevin Crusade saw the liberation of scores of worlds and billions of humans in the Trailing Calyx: some were purged or sentenced to lifetime penal work; those that could be saved were transported to fill the newly created Hive Worlds or settled on planets of their own. Malice was one such world, the mixed peoples of several worlds being set up here by the Imperium to begin exploiting this world's potent sources of geothermal energy. The world was known by a forgotten name, and for its first few decades was extremely harsh, taking the lives of thousands of colonists. Soon the colonists became despondent and turned to worship of dark and secret powers taught to them by their fallen Adranti, Yu'vath, and Bale Childer overlords. The world upswelled in a catacylsm of violence and blood and saw the small Imperial garrison wiped out and ritually devoured, before the new cultists turned on each other and began the Endless War that wages today after many centuries. The Calixis authorities never reclaimed the world as a fortuitous warp storm cut the world off for several hundred years, by which time the Imperium had other priorities. Occasionally a voidfarer would became gravely lost and stumble upon the cruel world that became known as Malice. The people of Malice in the view of the Imperium had been lost forever and had never even existed.

Present : Malice is wrought with constant, endless senseless warfare and petty violence. Not a day passes without a skirmish, battle, or atrocity. The world is in the view of those who know something of it a dangerous breach in the fabric of the Imperium, clearly a world wholly given over to the pleasure of Khorne. The warring rides of Malice act automatically without true reason or motive. Residents of Malice kill intruders on sight, and would be a graver threat had any space travel technology survived the fall of the old colony. War is carried out with bronze armour and weapons, forged in slave-houses, and wielded by soldiers driven to a perilous blood-frenzy by chemical and alchemical means. Everybody on Malice has the same wild-eyed look about them; it is clearly no longer a normal world. The warbands are each ruled by an overlord who commands about a hundred fighters; unity on this world is not expected to develop until a powerful enough warband establishes dominance. The cults of Malice are great necrophagists, consumers of the dead in debased rituals, carried out both on captured and fallen warriors from both sides. Some of the Khornate Temples on Malice are constructed entirely from the bones accumulated through hundreds of years of war and slaughter.

Malice remains anchored in the physical realm; it is not yet a Daemon World. An intervention by the Inquisition to slay a Daemonic-lifeforms that held a portion of the planet in its sway known as the Bloodmind. An Inquisitor slew this nightmarish pulped mass of soldified blood, taut muscle, and scraggly teeth before it could develop from its larval form and become a fully fledged beast of Khorne. The Inquisitor's report on Malice suggested the landscape would remain tainted but recommended a major intervention to purge and reclaim Malice for the Imperium. The resources to do so are not yet available, as incidents on anything less than a Sector-level threat are being trumped by the pressures of the Achilus Crusade and conquering the Severan Dominate. Imperial warships sometimes skim the fringes of the Malice System, and so far have reported no unusual activity. The exact location of the world is guarded by the Inquisition until the resources are available to deal with it, and the world has been declared Forbidden to all contact.


Classification : Hive World

Planetary Governor : Czar Endlebrecht II, Monarchy

Adeptus Presence : The usual for a Hive World plus Astra Telepathica choir at Hive Transcalyx.

Principal Export : Guytoga is a general exporter of technical mass produced components and parts for Imperial vehicles both military and civilian. A lesser focus of the Guytogan economy is the extraction and processing of surplus minerals and ores from underbeath the planet's surface.

Principal Imports : Guytoga is at the stage where it doesn't require imports of raw materials in bulk, but does require a large supply of food to feed billions of workers

Military : Guytoga Commissioned Troopers (medium quality hive PDF); Imperial Guard: Guytogan Hussars

Geography : The planet of Guytoga has a dramatic landscape of mountain ridges and high plateaus. Guyotga has a heavier level of gravity and a usually cool and stormy atmosphere; seven continents are home to half a dozen hives of medium size supporting a population of 13 billion people. Almost the entirety of the surface is farmed, fished, mined, or used for heavy industry. Guytoga is at the earlier stages of development into a Hive World and most of the sea and land is still unpolluted and liveable. Hive Transcalyx is the capital of the world, fullying occupying an artificial hillside of machinery, pit-heads, and towering hab-blocks. Guytoga has a number of orbital facilities as well as several sites on the two Guytogan moons.

History : The Guytogans were people who had settled this world at some unknown time following the conclusion of the Horus Heresy, possibly refugees from deep in the Segmentum Solar. A civilization developed and went through many cycles of rise and decline until discovery by the agents of the Imperium. The world was used as a staging point for raids against the Bale Childer, necessitating the import of large amounts of workers and resources. After the end of the Angevin Crusade Guytoga became a quiet and unremarkable growing Hive World.

Present : Guytoga has a noble and proud culture that draws from pre-Imperial notions of chivalry and duty common to all the states of Guytoga. Hussars regiments are raised here for the Imperial Guard, proud and upstanding troopers trained hard on the drill fields of the Guytogan hive complexes. Other than the acknowledged quality of its regiments this world is deeply normal in Imperial terms. Recently Guytoga has begun the long drift out of Imperial control towards the Adeptus Mechanicus. Levies on workers have seen many conscripted into hastily constructed Hussar regiments, leaving a shortfall in the world's capacity to meet its tithes. Resentment to the Imperium is high. The Mechanicus have stepped in by providing servitor workers at reduced cost in exchange for certain rights upon the world and its people. A few of Guytoga's Imperial shrines have been allowed to fall into repair; preachers have been deported to far flung labour colonies. Czar Endlebrecht II has invited Mechanicus techpriests to the Sky Eaves palace atop Hive Transcalyx, replacing some disfavored Administratum personnel. Already Imperial factions move against the Mechanicus, who make counter-moves themselves. Czar Endlebrecht is about to make a huge concession to the Mechanicus. Guytoga has two moons, the Wanderer's Moon and the Hunter's Moon: the Czar will offer one to the Mechanicus as a permanent thief. Wanderer's contains natural deposits of metals; Hunter's is otherwise barren but does contain a large chemical processing facility. Either way, losing this element of Guytogan sovereignty will inevitably doom this world by provoking a civil war in the shadows between the Imperial Loyalists and the Red Banner faction, adherents to the Mechanicus.


Classification : Penal World

Planetary Governor : Governor -Judge Rysen Bollisar, Adeptus Arbites

Adeptus Presence : Adeptus Arbites, Administratum

Principal Exports : Kommitzar produces large amounts of raw resources, ranging from metal and stone to wood and food.

Principal Imports : Kommitzar receives no imports of any kind, bar a few technical items that cannot be replicated by local craft services

Military : Kommitzar Guard ian s; Imperial Guard: Kommitzar Penal Legion

Geography : Kommitzar is a heavy gravity world with an extremely hot and humid atmosphere in places and barren, dry deserts in others. Each parts of Kommitzar's surface is unpleasant and hostile in a slightly different way, according to how resources are extracted. Huge industrial processors with attached hab blocks churn-out everything from ration bars to weapon components. Kommitzar's cell blocks are cyclopean stone edifices with cell's carved in them like vast honeycombs, reachable only by rickety stairs and pulleys. Some cell blocks have been left to their own devices, whilst others are still administrated by the cruel Kommitzar Guardians. Kommitzar's capital is known as the Hub, an octagonal complex of cell blocks, industrial sites, and landing pads, where new prisoners are processed before their distribution around the world. The people of Kommitzar are left mainly to fend for themselves, so a wide disparity of cultures, customs, and languages has developed. The Kommitzar Guardians at the Hub have enough vehicles and equipment to ensure that in the event of a planetwide revoly they could likely suppress it, but so this has never been put to the test as the people of Kommitzar are irreperably divided.

History : The Angevin Crusade produced billions of discontents who fought the advancing Imperium or resisted its occupations. These along with billions more of the suspect worlds held by the darker powers were settled on Penal Worlds, such as Kommitzar, where they were subjected to hard labour and reeducation. Many of the Penal Worlds have disappeared as populations were screened, but Kommitzar remains, useful to the sector as the general repository for criminal and malcontents.

Present : Kommitzar has a reputation as a tough world, but far preferable to resettlement in a colony in the Koronus Expanse. The tropical diseases of Kommitzar and its few wild animals take the lives of many penal colonists, but the warring between the cultures settled on Kommitzar takes even more. The world's most dangerous prisoners are held in isolation in the Hub or in outer mountaintop cell blocks; otherwise as long as prisoners fulfill their quotes of resources they can live as they wish. Eternal warfare is the mark of Kommitzar, war with primitive gunpowder weapons and cruel implements of sharpened metal. The world of Kommitzar provides many Penal Legions, with perhaps several thousand serving at any one time. There is no way to leave Kommitzar: a small fleet is stationed just off the shoulder of the world. Prisoners are brought from many parts of the sector and once assigned to Kommitzar can only expect to escape through death or conscription to a Penal Legion. Such is the way Kommitzar is set up that it is possible after initial screening an inmate may never see another Imperial agent ever again.


Classification : Forge World

Planetary Governor : Magos Locum Andurh Nariel

Adeptus Presence : Adeptus Mechanicus

Principal Exports : Synford is responsible for more Imperial Guard vehicles than any other forge world in the Sector. From its production lines roll Leman Russ Battle Tanks, Chimeras and many other patterns, but the world is most famous for its dominating Baneblades. Still able to produce them in significant numbers, and retaining the technology to produce the Baneblade’s signature cannon shells, Synford is a forge world the Imperium cannot afford to lose.

Principal Imports : In addition to its own resource extraction operations Synford also absorbs a great deal of the Calixis Sector's entire output of metal ores and minerals

Military : Synford Skitarii Legions, Titans

Geography : Synford was once an uninhabited, airless rock, covered in many thousand impact craters and desert plains. The Mechanicus transformed the world into something just about inhabitable for humans, and gradually filled each impact crater and basin with a specific type of production facility, linked with towering roadways and tracks that criss-cross the planet's surface. Synford was only the barest amount of native plants and animals, exclusively the descendants of seeds, vermin, and pests carried along with colony ships. An unknown number of people toil in Synford's factories, possibly near 20 billion compacted into narrow, snaking underground hab facilities. There is an even greater number of servitors and inorganic machines that serve the deep underground facilities where living humans rarely visit. Synford has longish days with weak sunlight; it is never truly nightfall as the ochre light of the factory flames permanently lighten the world. Synford's main habitation is known to its dwellers as The Works, the enormous super-facility where Baneblade tanks are produced and loaded onto ships at the spaceport, a srawl of hangars, workshops, and great casting moulds. The Works is known by a different name to the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Curia Ferrorum, home to millions of techpriests and considerd one of the most sacred temples dedicated to the Machine God in the Sector, a huge cracking spire of power-cables and arcane machinery topped by the Grand Office of the Magos Locum.

History : Synford was originally awarded to the Adeptus Mechanicus by the then-Sector Governor for unraveling the plot of a rogue group of conspirators known as the Praecursators. Synford was not a promising world for colonisation from the point of the Imperium, but the Adeptus Mechanicus set to the task with an iron will. Soon the Mechanicus had begun extracting and processing the world's rich underground resources, and within a few hundred years blossomed into a major scale producer of Imperial vehicles

and equipment.

Present : Synford is a powerful world within the Calixis Sector, commanding great respect and power through its enormous production tithes of tanks and other vehicles. The components and parts the world produces are also vital for many highly specialised vehicles as well as for replacements in the field. Synford itself is quiet for a Forge World, extremely orderly and well managed. Most of Synford's population were recruited from those freed from worlds in the Trailing Calyx, and today are generally docile towards their Mechanicus masters, extremely proud of their role in arming the Imperium with some of its finest weapons. So powerful is Synford growing, particularly on the worlds of the Hazeroth Abyss, that the Lords of the Lathes are taking notice, as are the leaders of the Calixis Sector.

Stygian Prime

Classification : Agri World

Planetary Governor : Governor Anerin Holovernes, Adeptus Administratum

Adeptus Presence : Administratum

Principal Exports : Stygian Prime produces a small tithe of grain and other plant products from its proto-farming collectives

Principal Imports : Large supplies of food and equipment

Military : Stygian PDF

Geography : Stygian Prime is a medium-sized world with several continents and seas. Most of the planet is currently unsettled. Rolling plains of grass and small woodlands typify much of Stygian Prime's geography, as do turquoise oceans and a few bone-white deserts. Stygian Prime has a very Terran-like biosphere, populated by close analogues to Terran animal and plant life. Stygian Prime is a verdant and potentially very productive world, as the soil of the planet is very rich in nutrients and minerals. Stygian Alpha is currently the capital, a small colonial settlement in the crook of the Fenk River, currently a few storage sheds and hab units attached to a spaceport. Farmsteads are linked to Stygian Alpha by dusty road trails and a few early rail tracks. Stygian Prime shows no signs of prior settlement.

History : The Stygian System was marked and catalogued by an Adeptus Mechancius survey early on in the Angevin Crusade. The Imperium has not followed up the discovery of this world until very recently in the last few years, sending a small colonisation mission from Fenksworld. A settlement has been established for ten years on Stygian Prime and is currently the newest settled world in the Calixis Sector.

Present : Stygian Prime has the potential to be a very productive Agri World, but is currently at a low stage of development. The grains that the fields of the world produce are not nearly enough to meet the needs of its neighbouring worlds, but perhaps in a hundred years time. Stygian Prime is also useful for exploring the rest of the Stygian System, which has not yet been visited by the Imperium at large. The worlds are currently dubbed II, III, IV, and V, pending their further exploration.

Pilgrim's Pause

Classification : Cemetery World

Planetary Governor : Prioress Esmeralada, Adeptus Sororitas

Adeptus Presence : Ministorum, Sororitas, and Frateris Militia

Principal Exports : Holy relics and items related to the Ministorum

Principal Imports : Raw materials

Military : Adepta Sororitas and Frateris Militia

Geography : Pilgrim's Pause has been designated a Cemetary World for several thousand years. The world is Terran-like, with the exception that there is far morel and than there is sea, with the whole world covered in a single super-continent. Many of Pilgrim's Pauses natural geographical features such as mountains, valleys, and forests have been terraformed out of existence, producing a landmass uniform in its crumbly soil and grass. Pilgrim's Pause's main features are the barrow tombs that are set up to contain the world's honoured dead. The barrows are enormous artificial domes rising from the level landscape, each housing thousands of tombs reached by tunnels and shafts, each supporting a local population of attendants. The capital of Pilgrim's Pause is the Veneraticon, an Imperial cathedral rising from the superstructure of a partially enveloping burial mound. The tunnels of the Veneraticon can be taken to any of the world's hundred barrow mounds through underground stone roadways, but in some places the passages are collapsed and risky. Pilgrim's Pause has very little variety in plant and animal life; rodents are the largest land animal, with a few larger species of cetaceans in the dwindling seas.

History : The barrow people of Pilgrim's Pause were worshipers of the dark powers who resisted the arrival of the Imperium. An underground campaign eventually cleansed the world and human colonists were able to arrive. The tunnels of Pilgrim's Pause were never truly cleared, and a few years in the colony was massacred. Imperial forces returned and it was decided Pilgrim's Pause could only be cleared by a long term occupation. The Adepta Sororitas took up the battle against the chaos worshipers. Over time the Sisters of Battle began burying their dead on this world in tombs cut into the monumental barrows, importing Imperial faithful to tend them and gradually building up small underground settlements. The isolated nature of the far burial mounds and their internal complexity meant cults have been able to flourish in secret, such as the resurrectionist cult slaughtered by hereteks and the heresy of the Seven Silences. The Adepta presence on Pilgrim's Pause has been reinforced with Frateris Militias, but the world's situation is still precarious.

Present : The majority of the dead of Pilgrim's Pause are those who in life were regarded as holy ascetics, great warriors of the Frateris Militias, and learned scholars, hardly the great Canonesses and Cardinals of Shrine Worlds important religious figures nonetheless. Pilgrims dock in orbit and take a shuttle down to the Veneraticon, where they must take the Under Path, the network of cramped earthy underground passageways that connect the sacred burial mounds, which have been consecrated as places fit to bear Imperial dead. Many of the mound settlements are populated by the holy faithful who tend to the tombs cut into the soil of the hills, engaging in everything from structural engineering to cleansing ceremonies to ensure their maintenance. The fall of some groups to the dark powers has seen the mounds cut out of the Under Path and barred, their populations purged. The peoples of the mound are all quietly crazed and subdued, as evil forces still whisper in the darkness. A typical settlement consists of a reinforced chamber itself carved like a burial tomb, convincing some residents they are already among the dead. It is rumoured but not confirmed the Old People of the Mounds, the original human worshipers, are still present in unknown chambers, but despite the odd disappearance along the Under Path no evidence for them has ever been found.


Classification : Dead World

Planetary Governor ; N/A

Adeptus Presence : N/A

Principal Exports : N/A

Principal Imports : N/A

Military: N/A

Geography : Phagir is a barren, airless, cratered world. Parts of Phagir were once scoured by radiation but now the world is quiet and dead.

History : Phagir has a grim past. Discovered in the course of the conquest of the Bale Childer, the peoples of Phagir welcomed Imperial visitors with open arms to their great chalice cities of silver and gold, to celebrate and feast. Hundreds of Imperial dignitaries traveled to take part in the Feast of Phagir, gathered in the great dining hall known as The Silverhall-neath-Stars. The feast was about to begin, when the High Prosecutor raised his glass to a toast to the Emperor. Black smoke coiled from the shaking and writing rulers goblet and a vile daemon lept forth from the smoke. The feast was a trap laid by the dark powers, and daemonic entities swarmed forth from the shrines that cultists had placed around the world. After a brief attempt to retake the world Phagir was re-designated as completely under the rule of Chaos, and as completely scoured with planet-shattering weapons. Phagir despite its lifelessness retained a reputation as a cursed world.

Present : Phagir is rarely visited by any Imperials, except for occasional anti-piracy controls. Phagir makes a lonely grey pilgrimage through the empty freezing space of the Phagir System.

Bloodfall System

The five Dead Worlds of the Bloodfall are today shunned by most voidfarers, as like many worlds of the Hazeroth Abyss they have picked up an evil association from their long years under the rule of the Bale Childer. In eons past these worlds were some of they key worlds of the foul xenos, containing huge slave pens, biomechanical workshops, and darl magic armouries. The fighting to take the Bloodfall System cost an unknown toll; it was said that for two hundred years ships carrying the honoured fallen did not cease their journeys out of the system. Eventually the worlds were taken, with Drusus himself casting down the last necromantic sanctum of the xenos and ordering the worlds cleansed of all life. Billions of humans were freed from bondage on these worlds, as were uncounted other xenos who were for the most part allowed to depart under their own power as an act of clemency, as following the long slaughter the mood for fighting had gone out of most of the Crusaders. The five worlds were bombed and scoured, and now nothing remains of these world but charred cinders drifting through space, not fit for anything other than to serve as markers for the demise of the foulest xenos known in the Trailing Calyx.


Classification : Forbidden World

For as long as the Calixis Sector has formally existed the world of Belahaam has been long declared forbidden. Heavy orbital defences and regular naval patrols guard this world both from internal threats and external visitors. So long has Belahaam been forbidden that most think it a legend and its chart position has long become obscure and forgotten.

Belahaam was the last retreat and redoubt for surviving Adranti, Bale Childer, and Yu'vath, an unholy alliance of alien species and their human servants intrinsically opposed to the Imperium. Belahaam could not be taken by the Imperium, the combined magicks of the xenos was too great for ships to safely navigate the torrid warp currents that constricted the world. The bulk of the xenos are believed to have likely gone into suspended animation, awaiting the day when they make their return to the waking universe. No Imperial mission has ever managed to penetrate the Cloak of Belahaam as the warp shoals and eddys surrounding the system are known; many ships have been lost. The secret of Belahaam is now only known to a handful of personnel in the Inquisition, quietly awating the return of old dangers.


Classification : Feudal World

Planetary Governor : Governor Julos Tathrien, Adeptus Administratum

Adeptus Presence : Some Adeptus Administratum and a handful of Arbites

Principal Exports : Elros so far tithes veyr little, as it has only been recently contacted; Holdfast, a drug, is smuggled from this world by smugglers within the Administratum

Principal Imports : The Administratum is currently organising the importation of machinery from the Adeptus Mechanicus to jump start the merchanisation of Elros

Military : Stewards of Yrath Amran (elite feudal PDF); Elrosian Militia (medium quality feudal PDF).

Geography : Elros's geography is typified by its many high mountain ranges spread over a handful of small continents and islands. Elros usually has a cool and stormy climate. There is little more than scrubland and screeland upon Elros, and its people typical lead hard lifes out in the desolate valley plains. Yrath Amran is the capital of Elros, a mighty city built into a mountain peak called the Elrosespire. It is said in the ancient past the Elrosians were more technologically advanced, producing high technology and shaping the landscape to their will. Great stone ruins litter lonely hilltops and mountain spines, some reputed to be haunted by vengeful ghosts and spectres. Elrose has a great host of native predators and plants, many of them well capable of overtaking an Elrosian village out in the wilds. The Great Roads link Yrath Amran to the hilltop settlements and the great coastal ruins of Yrath Amdur, a mighty cracked and ruined bastion said to be a home to giants. Most of the Elros's outer islands are uninhabited and even unexplored. The Adeptus Administratum maintains an orbital station around this world.

History : Elros has a rich tradition of legends that place it in a great star realm built by superhuman heroes and giants in the ages past. Whatever higher civilisation existed on Elros perished in collapse and disaster, and what exists now is but a pale shadow, with poor hill farmers squatting in the ruins of great stonework and much of the fastness of Yrath Amran abandoned to dust and house spiders. The Imperium recontacted this world upon discovering it in a routine survey sweep; the culture of Elros has so far only been exposed to limited Imperial contact.

Present : The Cult of the Sacred Flame are the Imperium's agents upon Elros; they were a debased version of the Imperial Creed deemed suitable to be recruited for the purpose. The Cult administer all of Elros's religious affairs, and are the Imperium's eyes and ears for information emanating from the world. The wider population, even the High Lord Guardian of the Elrosepire, are unaware of any outside contact. The Imperium are deciding how to approach the world and what use they can put it to; they are about to grant the Cult some advanced Imperial technology to help them cement their power on this world as insurance. The Cult of the Sacred Flame imbibe Holdfast, a potent drug; certain unsanctioned Administratum members have made a healthy profit trading for basic advanced technology for this potent chemical compound. Life on Elros is hard, dismal, and frequently beset by hardship. Religion utterly dominates Elrosian civic life, with all wisdom and direction emanating from the Hall of Flames at the peak of the Elrosespire where the priesthood dwells. Elrosians are naturally suspicious of outsiders built are not ungracious towards guests who express the correct declarations of faith, inviting them to share a broth in their cold stonehouses.

Scarric XXII

Classification: Unclassified

The Scarric System is a system currently unexplored by the wider Imperium due to one strange feature: the whole system is surrounded by some sort of powerful energy field. Attempts to reach the Scarric System have failed as ships break up when they encounter the energy field, which as of yet the Mechanicus has been unable to properly classify. Periodically, the Scarric System ejects an "object". Sometimes these artifacts are simply clouds of simple molecular dust, other times complex constructs of molecules and compounds. Scarric XXII is the largest object "ejected" ( materialised is more accurate), a whole asteroid body, seemingly undistinguished in any particular way and consisting of a perfectly normal mix of rock and ores. The Adeptus Mechanicus maintains an observation station upon Scarric, quietly monitoring and probing this strange and unusual world.

Cyprian's Gate

Classification : Pleasure World

Planetary Governor : Malek Sable, Prime Director (democratically elected council)

Adeptus Presence : Limited to a handful of Mechanicus, Ministorum, and Arbites

Principal Exports : Various works of art

Principal Imports : Food and supplies, artistic materials

Military : Cyprian's Gate PDF (medium quality, typically off-world mercenaries due to the world's small population)

Geography : Cyprian's Gate is an empty burning white desert, marked only by a few spiraling rock formations carved into weird shapes by the wind. Various desert-dwelling plants and animals dwell here. The ruins of the early colonist structures can be found out in the deep deserts, metal skeletons bleached and rusted and a few toppled grave markers. The settlements of Cyprian's Gate are all sunk below ground in cooled facilities housing thousands of people. The settlements are typically built atop underwater sources and are generally regarded as oases of calm and tranquility compared to the rest of the Imperium. The underground settlements have good defences, as they were originally military facilities; the living spaces are spacious and pleasant by any standards.

History : Cyprian's Gate's underground facilities were originally refuges for those fleeing rampaging xenos in the Trailing Calyx. The population hidden there gradually developed their own distinctive culture based around artistic endeavours. The Cyprianites designed many works of art celebrating the Imperial Creed, from great statues to bas-reliefs to figureheads for Imperial warships. Cyprian's Gate is sometimes used as a retreat for favoured Imperial citizens, with a spell in the artists' colonies felt to be very refreshing.

Present : Cyprian's Gate began dramatically changing around fifty years ago. The number of Imperial clerics began to dwindle, and artists from across the Calixis Sector began arriving a settling there. The quality of art produced on Cyprian's Gate began to "drift" from approved devotional subjects to more fanciful and sensual subjects.

Recently, it has experienced a cultural renaissance; artists and aesthetes of all kinds have lauded the works that have been created there over the last fifty years. However, a number of these works have come to the attention of the Ordo Malleus; it is believed that a particular stable of artists, poets, and sculptors has become tainted by the forbidden theories of Ateanism. The Ordo Malleus has plans to dispatch a group of Acolytes to investigate an upcoming gala event featuring these artists to determine the source of the corruption. What they do not know is that a number of Slaanesh daemons are already present on Cyprian’s Gate, and the arrival of the Inquisition will bring these daemons a unique chance to try and tempt the Acolytes into the service of their god.

The Ateanism cult is centered around Fontanelle Colony and the artists group calling themselves the Circle of Anesh, centered around Solam Anesh of Solomon, formally a highly respected painter of subjects related to the Imperial Creed and the historical figures of the Angevin Crusade. The Circle have in there possession a copy of the Eris Transformation, somewhat fragmentary but still potent. The Circle now occupy an apartment ring on the outer fringes of Fontanelle, partially underground with the eastward fringes pushing out to the small Sea of Cyprian to agri cultivator pools. The daemons of Slaanesh are found here in the processing facility, waiting for the gala to be held and the right conditions to develop for a large scale insurrection to begin.

Cyprian's Gate

Cyprian's Gate was detailed in Only War "Shield of Humanity" book, p.16-17.

Ah well, forget that one then.

Samson IV

Classification : Hive World

Planetary Governor : Lord-Prentice Ridovan Kardec, Local Oligarchy

Adeptus Presence : All the usual plus an Astra Telepathica choir at Hive Kardec

Principal Exports : Finished products, generally vehicles and parts for the civil sectors of Imperial usage

Principal Imports : Food, raw materials

Military : Kardec Household Troops (medium quality PDF); Imperial Guard: Samson Brigadiers

Geography : Samson IV is a typical Hive World; several large hives dominate the landscape of a dozen continents, some hives so large they span seas and mountain ranges. Much of the world is unfit for habitation, polluted with industrial waste and spillage. The hives of Samson IV are gigantic towering edifices containing billions of human workers, possibly up to 20 billion. The hives have all the usual issues of hives anywhere in the galaxy, with mutant rebellions, crime and gangs, toxic contamination, and brewing heresies. Hive Kardec is the world's largest hive, home to the planet's primary spaceport and the Occluded Palace, home to Lord-Prentice Kardec and his retinue. Samson IV has a thick atmosphere that makes life outside the hives difficult; postings to the Samson System's development colonies or asteroid mining camps is considered far preferable.

History : Samson IV is the property of one individual, the head of the Kardec family, originally Samson Kardec himself thousands of years ago. Kardec escaped the fall of the Bloodfall Worlds and led thousands of survivors to an uncolonised planet, there setting up a colony with Imperial approval (after careful Inquisitorial screening). Through many years the world has developed into its current state as a large producer of vehicles and machinery, although the world is approaching crisis following the exhaustion of Samson IV's resources. Wars and rebellions have been and gone, but the Kardecs maintain their control.

Present : The people of Samson IV are ruthlessly and fully exploited by their feudal hive overlords, the ruling family and many more orbiting families. More-so than other worlds the people of Samson IV are used and abused, put to work from early childhood to inevitably early death. The work on Samson IV has intensified as the world is pushed more and more to provide new resources; mines are dug deeper, foundries built larger, and food sources expanded to the limit. Discontent and unrest are on the rise, with food riots and strikes rocking many hives. Strange objects have been uncovered in the underground, shiny impervious material without explanation. These discoveries of possible xenos artifacts have been hushed up by House Kardec, who are now making overtures to members of the Imperium to aid in an investigation.


Classification : Feudal World

Planetary Governor : Overseer-Governor Palio Tucinus, Adeptus Administratum

Adeptus Presence : Administratum, Ministorum

Principal Exports : Some of Ichovor's plants can be rendered down into useful medicinal healing agents; these are picked and exported raw from Law Station.

Principal Imports : Building materials, supplies for Imperial personnel

Military : Ichovor Bondsmen (medium quality feudal PDF); Imperial Guard: Ichovorian Carbines

Geography : Ichovor is a Swamp World, entirely covered in swamps and rotting forests; the atmosphere of Ichovor is laced with billions of flesh-eating microbes and spores that need to be tracked and avoided. Settlements on Ichovor are mobile, able to be packed up onto beasts of burden and the tent communities set up elsewhere in the world swamp. A great invisible cloud of microbiological organims can strip an area of most of its biological life within an hour; such is the fecundity of Ichovor however new life moves in shortly. Ichovor has no no discernible features other than a few relatively dry areas, including the Plain of Shards, both a religious site and marshaling area for troops. Ichovor is governed by an Overseer drawn from the Group-Kindred rulers of each traveling camp, and they are taken off to serve on the Law Station, an orbital facility managed by the Administratum.

History : Ichovor was settled at an uncertain time in the course of the Angevin Crusade; the similarity of the planet's name to Ichabarr , capital fo the Ixaniad Sector indicates that Ixaniadine colonists originally settled the world. Contact with the Imperium has been sporadic but continuous, ensuing a high amount of Imperial integration.

Present : Ichovor's main contribution at present is a minimal tithe of medicinal products and troops for the Imperial Guard. Ichovor's situation is so precarious and its population quite small at only a few tens of millions that regiments are raised only infrequently. The people of Ichovor already use stone-fired firearms to hunt in the swamps, and only need a little training in Imperial weapons.

Ichovor is a feudal world in the Hazeroth Abyss of the Calixis Sector. It is a world of swamps and rotting forests. It is scribed that upon this world, one of the many wounds suffered in the life of the Calixian saint Elana the Unshaken is a disfiguring filth-fly bite upon Ichovor.

A particularly notable and unique holiday to Ichovor is Saint Absolar’s Day, where the inhabitants, having spent the year meticulously carving beautiful statuettes of Saint Absolar the Iconoclast, smash them to smithereens on the Plains of Shards, so that the images of the Saint go the spiritual realm and sit alongside the Emperor.

- ok right that's as far as I'm going, thanks for your time -

- ok right that's as far as I'm going, thanks for your time -


Thanks again for all the great work!

A great resource for GMs everywhere on the forum, if there are any moderators here I urge them to tag this thread so it remains accessible for any newcomers to the community.

Glyph21, thank you for your dedication man, cheers!

Many thanks for a such a resource. This is outstanding.

~ alemander

clap-animated-animation-clap-000340-larg Well done

I would love to see this tagged and if someone with more skills then me pdf of it

I can take on technical part of PDF creation, if Glyph would allow such convertion.

That work was stunning. Thanks! :)

Hi, thanks for the comments, yes, by all means make it into a PDF.

I've taken the time to compile the great contribution of glyph21 into a new version of the Encyclopedia Calixis.

Encyclopedia Calixis v0.1

I redacted/modified the contents and filled the gaps to fit my own campaign, so beware it is NOT canon .

It's meant as base data stock a gm can edit to fit his personal needs.

I tried to remodel it into a version that can be used as an ingame encyclopedia one can hand out to players, so a lot of information about heresies and daemonic incursions are shortened or omitted.

Notable Changes:

  • changed circumstances of Drusus' death
  • unified Spinward Front and Margin Crusade into one (meaning the crusade is still ongoing)
  • removed all mention of the Achilus Crusade/Jericho Reach or replaced them by Margin Crusade/Margin Worlds
  • removed or replaced a lot of information that I deemed heretical and therefore not known to the public
  • renamed Kobras Acquirre to Kobras Hecaton (because of the Hecaton Rift incident and the according marker on the map)

It still lacks a chapter about the planets of the Koronus expanse. Maybe I'll add that later.

Edited by GOLEM XIV

I would have been willing to look at what you have done but my Anti Viral went NO on the website.

Firefox doesn't like this webhoster either.

I tried another one that doesn't seem as problematic:

Encyclopedia Calixis(v0.1)