Poison/Venomous Power....

By JanosSaramis, in Fireborn

Hey guys,

I'm looking to run Fireborn at my local game store. I ran through character creation with one of my players...and he wants to play a sea serpent. However , it says they have Poison as a power...and Lost Lore says replace it with Aquatic and then replace Aquatic with Venomous. Where is the write up for Poison/Venomous? I haven't found them anywhere.

Hey guys,

I'm looking to run Fireborn at my local game store. I ran through character creation with one of my players...and he wants to play a sea serpent. However , it says they have Poison as a power...and Lost Lore says replace it with Aquatic and then replace Aquatic with Venomous. Where is the write up for Poison/Venomous? I haven't found them anywhere.

Venomous: One of the dragon’s natural slashing weapons (foreclaws, hindclaws, bite, razor tail, or spines) injects or is coated in debilitating poison.

Any venomous attack that connects injects toxins into the victim’s bloodstream. On the dragon’s next turn, the victim must make a Water (Stamina) test with a TH equal to the dragon’s base Fire score. If he fails, he suffers a –1 disadvantage penalty per success by which he failed the test.

Each turn thereafter, the victim must make another test to resist the poison, to a maximum number of turns equal to the number of wound dice caused by the attack.

If the victim reaches a –6 disadvantage penalty from poison, his vital organs are paralyzed by the toxins, and he begins to suffocate as if drowning.

Sorry for the confusion in this case but what is meant is:

In the list of POWERS mentioned for the Aquatic Dragon, it states "Posion" as a power, and this one gets replaced by the Aquatic power.

In TRAITS, they list aquatic and bioluminescent as traits, from these wo replace the aquatic pwoer with venomous as a TRAIT.

Venomous trait gives the above description, it is also listed in the book under Misc traits on page 70 (page 71 of pdf).

The Aquatic power is listed on page 78 (or page 79 of the pdf)

The accurate version of the sea dragon is as following:


Alternate Form

Distant Mind

Metabolic Control


Any One


Trait Type

Armor 6

Flight 2

Sense Touch

Skull Gaping

Tail Constricting

Misc Venomous

Misc Bio-luminescent

Note here that Aquatic as a power essentially functions the same as Aquatic as a trait.

Aquatic trait gives 1 rank in the Aquatic power, therefore it was a bit redundant aside from that the "poison" power originally mentioned does not excist in the book at all.

I hope this cleared it up for you!

Yeah, that helped alot! I may have more questions as this crazy train gets out of the depot. I'm very glad to see that these forums are still active. :)

No problem,

I'm glad you at least already have the Lost Lore document, as it has a few helpfull clarifications in areas that where a bit strangely explained or had typo's/editting problems.

Other then the novels of Fireborn, the game's support just about dried up completely with not even the lost lore put up as pdf on this site or at drivethrughrpg where they brought the corebooks online as pdf..

It's a shame, as the system has some very interesting concepts, though it could use a revised edition to fix some issues in it.

I hope you have fun with it though, I had some great campaigns/sessions with the game, and love how combat plays out wen everyone actually got up to speed with it.

(at first combat may be a bit confusing to some players, best to ease them into it with a few short/simple combats to get used to it)

Have fun!

And if any questions arise, by all means! feel free to ask them.

There is also an easier method for arranging the attributes then as it is in the book, and some other houserules available here on the forum as well as on the G+ community if your interested.