Terra's Trade Thread:

By Terra3, in Agrabah Bazaar

Looking for the following cards if someone wants to trade:

x3 Samurai

x2 Xaldin

x1 Spear

x2 Rings

x1 Assassin

x2 Black Fungus

x1 Pot Spider (BOD)

x1 Angel Star (Older Set; Not BOD)

x1 Maleficent Dragon


x3 Valor Form Sora

x2 Wisdom Form Sora

x1 Leon

x3 Pete (black and white version)

x2 Behemoth

A bunch of commons, uncommons, and rares from set 4 (set I've been trying to stock up on)

hey i'm interested in 1 of each of your haves, check out my list and let me know, sorry i don't have any of your wants

Sorry Morbid but the things I would need involve Ansem decks and a well constructed Nobody deck. I really only came back to these forums to try to find the cards needed for a deck which are as followed:

Xaldin x2

Spear x1

Dragon Maleficent x1

Black Fungus x2

Pot Spider (BOD) x1

Angel Star (Older Version) x1

Other then that I have no needs or wants. I'm not looking for any other cards in particular since how I'm only in the game to make and complete decks. If you don't have any of the cards needed then I apologize.

I have:

Samurai x2

Assassin x1

Black Fungus x2

Angel Star x1 (Set 1)

But I don't know what I would want or what you'd be willing to trade...

I actually don't need the Assassin or Samurai anymore honestly Champ. But the 1 Angel Star and 2 Black Fungus I would gladly trade for. Is there any set 4 commons, uncommons, or rares you would like?

Sadly...no...oh well...maybe I'll come up with something down the road, but not right now...I have all the cards except a few promos...sorry...but thanks again. :)

Not really a problem. Our store gets the sets on a weekly basis cause three people buy them out every Saturday. I'll just have to find the few cards needed from one of those people.

do you have:


Set 3: Gravira or Graviga

I have Xaldin, Spear, few Pot Spiders (BoD)