Heroes of Hoth [Painted up]

By Malev Da Shinobi, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Peace my FFG brodas and sistas.

Wanted to share with you the latest splashing on some IA:Minis. I have a hugeeeee lot on my workbench to paint for multiple IA sets. But I've painted most everything once or twice, except for the Hoth miniatures.

I decided to take a stab at them, let me know your thoughts.



Thanks for looking.

Much peace,


They look great!

Nice job, never tried painting myself. One question- Did you paint eyes on verena or no? Cant see from my angle.

Nice job, never tried painting myself. One question- Did you paint eyes on verena or no? Cant see from my angle.

Nah my broda, I tend to only paint sculpted details for IA models. I still sometimes have nightmares about Dialas hand/head wraps..

These are commissions painted to a notch above tabletop standard.

Much peace,



Great working of the detail!

Very nice work!

Thanks for sharing.