How closely do you guys follow the established color schemes?

By Budsky, in Anima: Tactics

Just curious. I consider myself an intermediate figure painter, but I simply don't have the time to spend doing the really elaborate paint schemes the art calls for. Will that matter any in tourney play? And on a whole, are you folks sticklers for exact colors or do you folks do a lot of customs and kit bashing?

I try to stay with the colour scheme used in the artwork. The artwork is so good and beautifully done that it saves trying to think up a differnt colour scheme and finding it doesn't work, ruining a great figure. I am sure that the artists worked long and hard on the colours for each character and they are far more tallented than me. That said, I am sure that the characters would change their clothes occasionally (at least I hope they would) so any combo should do! happy.gif

I would hope that it would not affect their qualifying for a tournament, that would be a little too "GW" for my liking!


Even GW won't kick you out of a tournament for painting your miniatures in different colors. Though, they will do so if you use non-GW miniatures or parts of miniatures in your army.

As for Anima, there are no "approved" colors for figures. I don't actually play (yet) and just paint figures, so it matters even less for me. However, I'm big on teams/armies looking cohesive on the table, so if I did paint up a force to play with, I'd likely give them all a similar color scheme.

I decided to use three varying shades of green on the bases to show the figure's affiliation. The lightest shade for Light (obviously) and the darkest for Dark (no supprises there) and a mid shade for neutral. That way I can tell who is what.

I have had a few games and really enjoyed all of them. Nobody else in the area collects the game but as I have enough for several teams that is not a problem. I just drag one or two of my gaming freinds in and set them up with a team. I found the easiest way is to decide who will be Light and who will be Dark and assign all the cards for the figures I have painted for that faction, then I devide the Neutral cards between the two players and shuffle. We then pick out a number of cards equal to the predetermined number of characters in the team and off we go!

I have to prfess that I am not much good at putting teams together, I just like to make the most of what fate deals me. Maybe that is why I mostly loose sad.gif


I try to stick with the color scheme on the back of the cards however several of my figs have deviated from that quite a bit due to my own lack of paints and some differences in interpertations with what the art actually depics (as well as what I actually have the skill to paint)