No love for ToI

By player87233, in Tide of Iron

tsk tsk..not another avalon hill in the making? (at least for the boardgames perspective)

These forums are like visiting the land time forgot! LOL! I just logged in, and was looking at a couple things, and they are still advertising Wings of War here! That has gone over to Wings of Glory, some time ago too.

I remember a couple years ago I posted a question asking if ToI was discontinued, and there was a big flap here and on BGG! Funny, I'll bet someone at FFG had to go like this:

"Hey, is ToI discontinued? Well?! Hey! Listen up folks, somebody find out if ToI is discontinued, some wiseguy just posted a question asking about it! ToI? Whadda you mean what does that stand for!?! It's one of our games! Tide of Iron…I said TIDE OF IRON! Wha…it's a WWII wargame! Of course it's by us! Now get off your rear end and find out if we discontinued it!"

etc, etc…


Haha! This could also be said for GW and its specialist line of games.

We have to admit FF is a "populist" company similar to GW, Wizkids, Wizards of the Coast, and (brrr) Hasbro. Unlike Academy Games, where the founder as well as author of the games like Conflict of Heroes communicates directly with you, like he did with me yesterday on facebook. Now that's customer support, and i even haven't bought a single game yet! (i will though, CoI is a great game!)

Having said that, You can't deny the quality of ToI and all its expansions. I will get Normandy as well as FotB, and instead of relying on FF look online for community support.

freddieyu said:

Haha! This could also be said for GW and its specialist line of games.

We have to admit FF is a "populist" company similar to GW, Wizkids, Wizards of the Coast, and (brrr) Hasbro. Unlike Academy Games, where the founder as well as author of the games like Conflict of Heroes communicates directly with you, like he did with me yesterday on facebook. Now that's customer support, and i even haven't bought a single game yet! (i will though, CoI is a great game!)

Having said that, You can't deny the quality of ToI and all its expansions. I will get Normandy as well as FotB, and instead of relying on FF look online for community support.

I agree that ToI is a great game, with exceptional components, BUT… as the title of this thread states…the game gets "No Love" from FFG. If it even got one tenth the support Memoir 44 gets from Days of Wonder, this game would be a huge smash hit.

What are you gonna do though? FFG let's it twist in the wind, and games like Conflict of Heroes by Acadamy Games, Art of Tactic by Zvezda, and of course M44 just pass it by and leave it to collect dust on the shelf.

There is just nothing but a big dry arid desert; in terms of information, along the lines of things like designer notes, state of the game, and future of the game. Just a big blank. A zero. Nada. Zilch.

I don't know about anyone else, but I wonder about things like, will there be a Pacific expansion?

Will there be any more campaign expansions?

They did a map pack #1, will there be a map pack expansion #2?

There was a scenario book Vol.1, will there be a Vol.2?

Will there be any more Russian front expansions, or should I get a second copy of FotB if that's the end o' the line for ToI?

You log in here thinking it's the official company forum for the game; to which you'd think would be a great place for the company to announce any news and info for the game, but you get auto messages like: "Hey, we provide this forum as a perk for our players(read: customers), but that's all this is, we don't even look at these forums". I come away with the impression that the company has absolutely no interest at all in the game they produced, and that I purchased from them, making me an unvalued customer. Why even look at these forums at all then? Why even have them? BGG has so much more than this forum.

A very odd and unusual company to say the least, FFG is. Very disappointing, to say the least, from this customers point of view.

PS- I almost forgot, I also have to agree on Conflict of Heroes being a great game with super support from the company. It's what I look for as a comsumer, and what keeps me going back to spend more money with said company. Support like what FFG has given ToI was a direct factor in my decision to hold off buying the Napoleon game. The lack of support will also most likely assure that I will be just a one time customer of FFGs, and not a repeat customer. Where as with Acadamy Games, I will most definately buy into thier ACW game series, continue buying the CoH series, and most likely buy into anything that company offers that even remotely strikes my interest. That's the difference a small bit of time makes on my future buying habits.

As the old verbage goes…"Ignore your customers long enough, and they'll go away."

So goes your customers, so goes your sales.

So goes your sales, so goes your company.

Indeed. As the current marketing adage is today, it's not the product itself that is the main thing, but all the other things around it (ie customer service and support, stock availability, etc.) In other words, it is the total EXPERIENCE that matters.

Speaking of CoH, Pacific expansion in December, then the western front next…mmmm…

Anyways, I will still get Normandy as well as FoTB, and the designer's series…they are worthy enough for collection no matter what FF does..