No love for ToI

By player87233, in Tide of Iron

I am seeing a ton of support of other titles and recent launches. Certainly I can not be the only one eagerly awaiting the next installment for ToI. Frankly, I am not sure I really care which way they go first...Pacific or Eastern Front. Either way, would be nice to see some news on an expansion, or better yet the expansion itself.

Totally agree, come on FFG let us have some info.

Apart from trying to sell us revamped copies of maps we already own, FFG have done nothing to support this game all year.

It's a great shame really as the underlying game system is pretty sound (I enjoy it almost as much as Combat Commander) - a friend and I had a game on Saturday which went down to the last roll of the dice!

FFG's lack of support may be due to economic hard times and because of demographics. So we have to convince them that it is economically worth their while to invest the resources into TOI. Let us all hold hands while we dance and chant our mantra and reaffirm YES WE WILL SPEND MONEY ON YOUR PRODUCTS!!! (Level 2 Jedi Knights of the New Earth Army)

well I would buy new stuff.

Indeed, I would buy any expansion as well.

This prolonged silence can't mean any good, I'm afraid. I hope I'm wrong.

The least we might expect is an official scenario every now and then.

Look at Days of Wonder ... they always have a christmas scenario for Memoir 44 .

And yes, I would still buy any expansion to this great game system so don't worry, FFG.

It's just way to quiet around our beloved Tide and I couldn't care less about all this RPG stuff...

I'm seriously considering this game, and am a bit confused regarding this thread. The website shows several expansions, yet this thread seems to indicate otherwise. Or are you all talking further expansions, over and above what's available.


Jim F

The basic game has two expansions, namely The Desert Fox and The Normandy Campaign, alonside this they have produced a new map board set and a scenario guide, these can hardly be called expansions in the true sense of the word, more like additions.

FFG have been suspiciously quiet over a possible third expansion, neither saying if one was in the making, or if in fact they plan to do another one.

As far as I can see the Pacific arena and the Eastern front should be covered, but I expect it is down to economics and if not enough of the two existing expansions were sold????????????

I allways had the feeling that the easter front was in the making, but it has been quit lately...

When that is said, this game has a lot of potential, specialy if more good fun balanced scenarios was made. For example, in the normandy expansion an demolision experts was added, but none of the scenarios realy captured the fun of that specialication. That was a realy nice and fun addition, but in my mind none of the scenarios realy gave this specialication real value? Why cannot demolision experts blow up bridges? If the scenario was specificly design with that in mind, it could be balanced. So, in my mind the game has a lot of potential and I realy hope that work will continue on this game.

Ok, time to throw my wallet in to let FFG know I will buy any and all expansions for the game. So fish on the line FFG give me some good news.

I'd be happy if they just gave us a decent senario editor and some new maps from time to time. I don't really want to go thru the hassle of scanning all the boards and overlays so I can make scenarios. But I would buy anything they put out for TOI.

I like the Tide of Iron system from FFG and was not intending it to sound like they are not supporting the system. Just that they have a lot of new products expanding other lines and that we have not heard or seen anything on the TOI side of the house. The game and its two boxed expansions themselves are good. Additional maps and the scenario guide add to the system as well.

It should be reasonably safe to say that we are all happy with what we have now, just that we like it so much we want more. Clearly the sci-fi/fantasy genres are hot items right now and it makes good economic sense for the company to pursue those titles. However, this is a good expandable title to support as well. My hope is that the last new release to be announced (same box size as the last two expansions) is in fact the long awaited expansion bringing in the Eastern Front or the Pacific. We shall see, surely I am not the only one that checks the site frequently to see when they will unveil what it is?

I did not bother with the Normandy Expansion, but, I am waiting anxiously for an Eastern Front Expansion.

I hope they come out with more for this system,as they said they probably would in the base game rules intro.

Disappointment looms, I believe, however.


I am a noob to this game. Just ordered it and "Days of the Fox" and "Normandy ex's all together. Hope i didn't piss away 130.00 clams. I have a good feeling about this game, just from what i've researched and talked to other people, so i'm optomistic.

However, hearing everyones disgruntled growls about FFG and the lack of support is something i'm used to. I've been gung-ho into A&A mini's for the past year or so and WOTC have almost dropped that line in support of their more popular games, ie, Magic, D&D and that other crap. But they keep coming out with new sets and i know the big dogs are aware there is still a strong interest in it, so i believe they will keep it going,... for awhile anyway.

Point is, what little i know about this and FFG, although i've been into WOW for some time, I think they will step up with an Eastern Front EXP, and hopefully some more beyond that. They've got to....I'm just getting my feet wet. happy.gif

SgtWaka said:

I am a noob to this game. Just ordered it and "Days of the Fox" and "Normandy ex's all together. Hope i didn't piss away 130.00 clams. I have a good feeling about this game, just from what i've researched and talked to other people, so i'm optomistic.

However, hearing everyones disgruntled growls about FFG and the lack of support is something i'm used to. I've been gung-ho into A&A mini's for the past year or so and WOTC have almost dropped that line in support of their more popular games, ie, Magic, D&D and that other crap. But they keep coming out with new sets and i know the big dogs are aware there is still a strong interest in it, so i believe they will keep it going,... for awhile anyway.

Point is, what little i know about this and FFG, although i've been into WOW for some time, I think they will step up with an Eastern Front EXP, and hopefully some more beyond that. They've got to....I'm just getting my feet wet. happy.gif

SgtWaka said:

I am a noob to this game. Just ordered it and "Days of the Fox" and "Normandy ex's all together. Hope i didn't piss away 130.00 clams. I have a good feeling about this game, just from what i've researched and talked to other people, so i'm optomistic.

However, hearing everyones disgruntled growls about FFG and the lack of support is something i'm used to. I've been gung-ho into A&A mini's for the past year or so and WOTC have almost dropped that line in support of their more popular games, ie, Magic, D&D and that other crap. But they keep coming out with new sets and i know the big dogs are aware there is still a strong interest in it, so i believe they will keep it going,... for awhile anyway.

Point is, what little i know about this and FFG, although i've been into WOW for some time, I think they will step up with an Eastern Front EXP, and hopefully some more beyond that. They've got to....I'm just getting my feet wet. happy.gif

First, sorry, I pressed the wrong button a minute ago. :-)

The game is very good, with much potential for becoming great, so the money is well-spent in my opinion. Support could be better, seems like FFG are milking their Warhammer licences for all they are worth at the moment.

There is a lot of very good material and home-brewed expansion rules in the support section here under fan-created scenarios.

I also have a large collection of the A&A minis and use them for playing ToI together with a rather large number of painted Flames of War minis, which are the same size as the A&A minis. If I ever find out how to get pictures into this forum, I will post a few examples.

I believe that with the WWII Pacific series by Spielberg and Hanks this year, a PTO box would sell well in Summer/Fall and also generate sales for the basic box. Eastern Front boxes would sell themselves anyway, I think.

Yes, I too use FOW minis to fill in the LARGE gaps that A&A leaves out. I was gung -ho on A&A about a year and a half ago, but i'm like the guy who got dumped at the Prom now. Scratching my head and saying, WTF, did i buy all those minis for. I will keep going with them for awhile at least, but i've really studied this game and asked a butt load of people about it and, as with most games, good from one and so-so from another, but no ones ever realy bashed on it.

The games are supposed to arrive tommorrow and i feel like a little kid on Christmas eve, well OK, a 47 year old little kid. I hope to have a good feel for this in a week or so, and yes i have seen alot of good support from players with home-brewed scenarios and such. I have seen alot of that with A&A as well. They're are some bright, outstanding people that can come up with some **** good ideas. Its too bad some at the R&D levels of the big game companies can't achieve as much. I suppose finances and corporate gurus get in the way of alot of that.

Here's hoping i'm as pumped up about this game system a year from now as i am tonight!

SgtWaka said:

Here's hoping i'm as pumped up about this game system a year from now as i am tonight!

Well, I still am! :-)

There is a large game using three copies of the base game set up right now in my hobby room.

Well , I am on the fence between purchasing Memoir '44 or Tide of Iron. FFG's very poor support of their game is pushing me towards Memoir '44. They cant even reply on their own message boards. Sad..................

If you want simplicity, go for M'44. If you want a "Squad Leader Light" ToI offers a bit more expanse in scope. There are plenty of excellent things out for ToI if you are starting out. It's just us guys that have been gobbling up each ToI release ASAP that are bugging for something new.

In which way can they not rely on these messageboards?

Hefsgaard said:

In which way can they not rely on these messageboards?

He actually said "Reply" on the message boards, they are pretty quiet here.

I am actually REALLY looking forward to Hanks and Spielbergs "Pacific"! I love "Band of Brothers", one of my favorites. I even like "Generation Kill" (watching it now), although not Hanks/Spielberg, still a very good HBO series.

If FFG played thier cards right they would release a pacific theater expansion around the same time as the new series, but that is unlikely. I believe the Pacific starts in Feb or March.

I've been designing scenarios for Axis and allies miniatures for over 5 years now. I just bought TOI so maybe i'll give a go at designing one here once i'm fluent with the game system. i spent most of last night checking reviews and tips for TOI on board game geek and i too feel excited about this new system now. cool.gif