Question about amount of signature squad cards

By Wags2, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Just got 3 starter boxes today!!! :D

Warlord Captain Cato Sicarius in his signature squad has one Tallassarian Tempest Blade card.

My question is can I add 2 more Tallassarian Tempest Blade cards to my starting deck, or can you not add any more signature cards then the 8 you start with???

Thanks in advance.

From the LTP Guide, p. 15:

"Deck Customization Rules

The first step of building a custom deck for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest is to select a warlord. When a player selects a warlord, the 8 signature cards that belong to that warlord’s signature squad automatically become the first 8 cards added to his deck. Each signature squad can be identified by its unique signature squad number (image to the right), that is shared by its warlord.

After selecting a warlord, a player may add any non-signature support, event, attachment, or army unit cards that belong to his warlord’s faction, and/or that are neutral, to his deck."

So no, you cannot add more signature cards to your deck, other than the (exact) 8 in the warlord's signature squad.

Thank you!