Hey all,
I'm studiously studying the rules and prepping for this weekend and I have a monster stat line question:
To avoid spoilers, I'll reference the example sheet from a few previews ago that shows the Beastmen entries. First, the top of the right column of p.46 reads: "These numbers represent the default values assuming that the NPC listed is outfitted with typical gear or trappings."
OK, but looking at the Beastmen entry, it doesn't really list the "typical gear." So, does the listed DRs of 4, 4, and 5 for Ungors, Gors, and Wargors, respectively, assume they are just using their claws?
If I give my Ungors spears (to match the GW models) does their DR change to the listed spear value of 5 (or 6 if used two-handed?) Likewise, would a Wargor with a Great Weapon like in the illustration have a DR of 7 instead of the printed 5?
Finally, what is the CR (crit rating) for a monster's attacks without hand weapons? I can't find any mention of CR except in the weapon list--do boons not help monsters make criticals?
Thanks! And FFG... thanks for an absolutely fantastic and groundbreaking system paired with the best fantasy RPG setting!