Need Advice - Five Players?

By eihort, in 2009 WFRP The Emperor's Decree Event


So I got an email from the FLGS and they said they have five players signed up for my demo adventure. Hmmm... not enough to split into two sessions, but still one more than recommended. How should I handle it?

The adventure comes with four characters, right? Should I just roll up an extra character tonight and have them share the basic action cards?



I plan on making copies of the 7 basic cards to give to the 4th player. This is the only thing he/ she will be missing. You could make two copies of the cards if you can get your hands on them early.

If not, try breaking them into two smaller groups and maybe someone else will join after seeing you all play. Plus there is still a few days before the weekend.

You should be able to make a 5th PC. Just make up a card/sheet for basic actions, or have them share. Also, check and make sure there are enough Stance pieces for a 5th Stance track (if not, hand draw or photoshop something close enough). Also, I suggest when making the new character to avoid using any talents, actions, or careers already in use to avoid any more sharing. Personally, I was thinking of adding either a Wood Elf or a Priest. I'm leaning towards the priest, just to highlight the differences between Arcane and Divine magic functionality.

Additionally, you might need to up the number of the enemies in the encounter by one or two.

Good advice all. I'm hoping one more person will show up and I'll just break them into two sessions. I could do that with 5, I guess, but a session with two players just doesn't seem like it would be as much fun.

I was also thinking of making the fifth character a priest, but I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to read through all the rules from the priest book tonight. I might just try to make him a solider and try to pick talents, etc that aren't duplicates...