Hey everyone,
My gaming group and I got back to playing Relic the other night, and to change things up, myself and a friend decided to play as Nemesis. We were playing the 'Shoulder to Shoulder' mission.
I played as the Warpsmith from the HoT expansion, I've never seen him used in a game before. He was a beast and I easily won the game, which got me to thinking 'Who is the best Nemesis'?
I'm aware that certain missions can really make some Nemesis very powerful from the get go. And a prime example was this game, by drawing two Nemesis cards on every draw I was very quickly able to buff my Daemon Engines and the Warpsmith.
The Daemonette is very strong in any mission where there is high corruption being drawn, with the Dire Avenger being better if characters are actively trying to get rid off corruption.
I haven't noticed the Beserker to be really powerful in any games so far. He's a decent fighter at the start of the game, however once the characters get going they can very quickly leave him behind forcing him to fight Agent Imperium cards, which do pose some challenges. Couple this with his Nemesis card that forces him to fight the nearest character and he can be forced into battles he can't win.
I haven't seen the Broodlord used in a game yet and I'd be interested to see what people think of it.