Need help with translation of Dimplomacy_2

By Koenzyme, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hello from Russia with love)

I'm a member of two TI3ed small communities which have different view on how "b" option of Primary ability Diplomacy_2 working:

My group thinks that current player using primary "b" ability must choose to pay 1 Comand Counter or to pay 3 influence to use annex ability. A some sort of generic discount a posible way to annex first of all player.

But the second group argue that we were mistranslated there and active player must pay nether Commabd Counter nor any influence.

What did say native English players?

Sounds like you were mis translating the card. The "B" option says to execute the secondary ability without paying the command counter or the influence cost.

If it was meant to be that you were supposed to pay one or the other cost but not both it would have been worded differently.

Thanks a lot. It was very fast.

Our language is so stern, so when you translate word by word the phrase

" without paying the command counter or the influence cost."

you suddenly must pay anyway.)