Komainu and Cell Portal

By Immanuel2, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

I'm still a new player to this game and noticed something odd about the wording on Komainu.

It says "....for each card in the Runner's grip for the remainder of this run. "

So if the runner has 3 cards, Komainu gets 3 "Deal 1 net damage" subroutines.

Lets say that after the Komainu the runner encounters a Cell Portal that sends him/her back to encounter the Komainu again.

Does Komainu's ability trigger a second time and now it has 6 "Deal 1 net damage" subroutines?

That is correct. Komainu would now have 6 subs.

This is correct, IF the runner still has three cards in hand. If the number of cards in hand changes, then so does the amount of subroutines gained on the second encounter (so if the runner didn't break the first time, Komainu would only have the original three subroutines, but would kill the runner unless they can break it or avoid the damage this time).

Edited by CommissarFeesh

What's really going to bake your noodle is what happens when Komainu is on the outside of a server with a Mumbad City Grid.

What's really going to bake your noodle is what happens when Komainu is on the outside of a server with a Mumbad City Grid.

Delicious things.

What's really going to bake your noodle is what happens when Komainu is on the outside of a server with a Mumbad City Grid.

Turns into one of those dogs that keeps biting at your ankles and won't let up lol!

Thanks for the answers, guys!

Be aware the after going through cell portal and bouncing back to Komainu, the runner can just jack out and not hit it again.