Hi everyone,
a while ago I created what I call "combat cheat sheets" for large groups of 40k mooks. Perhaps some other people have use for those, too. Please have a look at the provided PDF download (link below). The following "how-to" text is an excerpt of an article from my blog, it should allow you to work out what this sheet is all about.
How to use this sheets?
When the combat starts and it is my goon group´s turn I first decide upon the action each of them is going to take and then roll one (!) d10. The result of this one die tells me which of the
result groups
from my cheat sheet I will refer to. Each result is applied to the NPCs actions, one after the other, and is crossed out afterwards. The next turn I will roll again to see from which group I have to take the results form. The same is done when it comes to Dodge or Parry roles: I just determine the group once per round and use the results I get from there till the end of the round. If a mook gets hit and suffers more than one or two points of damage, I cross a “hit box” out. If two or three hit boxes are crossed out, the mook is “neutralized” (either dead, k.o.; or whimpers while slowly fading away due to a grievous injury). Of course, high amounts of damage will take out a mook immediately
The whole procedure is random enough to be acceptable (at least, for me) and keeps me from knowing the results up front (really, I am not focused enough to have an eye on ten possible outcomes. Not while GM-ing my group). As an additional bonus, I do not even need to pretend to role *IF* I decide to simply fudge some of the dice result (for the better or the worse of the PC). If I need a result for a d10 instead of a d100 I still use the same list, too, and simply stick to the second digit of the result (0 to 9).
Edited by Gregorius21778