Dyckman86 said:
Your first mistake is attempting to compare Ogryns with Wookies, the Wookies as a race aren't the mentally handicapped mutations of human society. They are a fully separate, fully sentient race. No sensible or even slightly unhinged human is going to follow an Ogryn, either because the knowledge that Ogryns are dumb as bricks or because of the societal stigma of mutants means know human will be knowingly commanded by one. Can't really have them conduct boarding actions either, either because Ogryns don't even know what the word conduct means and that requires Command which is Fellowship, a skill no Ogryn will have or because of the boarding ship being tiny and him freaking out on the way from one ship to the other. Ogryns as a race are claustrophobic and no tech priest is going to rebuild ships to fit an Ogryn. I guess if you want to tear out the basic fluff of the world all of what you're saying would work, but then you don't have Ogryns you have superhumans or maybe Space Marine Lite, and that's really not PC material in any balanced sense. Also Ogryn are mentally children, there isn't much debate about that, they never get too terribly smart, BONE helps them, but it doesn't make them suddenly coherent and competent individuals. So yes, anyone can play anything if the DM says okay, but I just fail to see how you could possibly rationalize an Ogryn without majorly gutting some core Universe fluff.
Now, I would first off like to commend you on your loyalty to the fluff of the 40k universe.
However, I would also like to point out that some people simply don't care about sticking to the fluff and might want to have a less serious campaign in which they get to dolt around as an Ogryn who thinks that a combat order is equal to a bucket of fried grox meat, or some other synonym that makes as much sense.
And I would also like to point out that there are intelligent Ogryns, even if they are few and far between. Ogryns are also prone to random mutation as any stable human genome is and have produced offspring with the mental capacity of a normal human being, or the will and driving force to loyally obey any order no matter the situation (See "Nork Deddog").
And as my final point: Rogue Trader is based in a universe where every other person being Robocop is a feasible idea. By this logic, anything is possible.